One Week

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Midoriyah tensed when the young male spoke to him. Being called a monster by a human had his tail twitching in irritation. There was an even bigger issue that weighed on his mind though. Mermaids had a rule about humans seeing them. According to the rules of mermaids, any human that happens to see them has to be killed immediately. His kind obeyed this rule to protect themselves from humankind.

The mermaid's forest green eyes flickered with sadness. He didn't want to kill humans anymore, not after watching them happily frolicking on the beach for the past few weeks. It's true that he had never actually spoken to a human before, but he wanted to. He was willing to put himself at risk if it meant he could get to know what humans were really like.

"What proof do you have that I am a monster?" He flipped his forest green curls out of his eyes. The blonde before him narrowed his eyes, a light blush crept from his cheeks across the bridge of his nose. "I know all about your kind so don't play dumb. I know you would rather eat people, not save them." The animosity in the human's voice had Midoriya's tail twitching more frequently.

He would get like that whenever he was agitated. The young mermaid's tail seemed to have a mind of its own and reflected his emotions with its movements. Midoriya finally became fed up with his tail and slapped the water with it, causing a loud THWACK that caused the human to flinch slightly.

"If you know so much about my kind then you should be running away." Midoriya turned his face away from the human sharply, emitting a "hmph" sound. He knew he had a scowl in his face but he couldn't help it. This human was bothersome.

"Are you..are you seriously pouting. DID YOU JUST DISMISS ME?!" A flash of anger spread across the human's features. He hated being disrespected. Especially by a monster as snobby as this one.

He balled his fists and jumped down on a rock beside the beast. He thought mermaids were monsters, sure. But he couldn't deny that they were breathtaking to see. Especially the one before him.

He hadn't seen a mermaid like this one before. It was very pretty and almost feminine. It's attempt at a scowl had actually puckered it's soft plump lips into a flirty little pout. The way it's long eyelashes fanned the freckles on its cheeks was mesmerizing. Even its emerald green hair was messy in a way that if it had not been a mermaid, anyone would think it tried to have a stylish bedhead look. This creature was truly stunning.

It was really too bad he had to end its life. Mermaids eat people and that's that. He couldn't allow any more people to be lured in by the creatures looks and be devoured. He activated his quirk in his hands, creating miniature explosions. He heard a loud smack and suddenly found himself drenched in seawater.

A soft chuckle came from the green mermaid. He growled and shot the creature a glare when he figured out what happened. To the left of him the mermaid had dipped its long, almost sea foam green tail into the water. The moment he charged up for an attack, the devilish creature had scooped water into the clear glasslike fan at the end of it's tail....and soaked him with it.

The way it's hand covered it's mouth to stifle a laugh only served to burn his anger even hotter. "SHUT UP! I'LL KILL YOU!" He growled. The look on it's face almost made him regret what he had said.

He hadn't noticed just how deep and complex the creatures eyes were. They almost reminded him of honey due to how sweet and soothing they looked. Those emerald green eyes shown intelligence beyond his imagining. His breath caught in his throat when the bright mischievous twinkle in those eyes hinted a dull tint of sadness.

"You're wrong about that human." Midoriya muttered softly. "I don't like to kill humans. I haven't for a long time. It serves no purpose to me." The mermaid's gaze lowered as it stared into the water thoughtfully.

"Well isn't that sweet. But you didn't deny that you used to kill humans. Who's to say you won't do it again in the future? I will eliminate you before that happens." The blonde spoke, venom dripping from his words.

"What if you're wrong?" Those emerald green eyes were gazing at him defiantly again. "My kind said that all humans were bad. All humans are traitors. All humans want to kill us. So we defend ourselves. What of your kind? Can you say the same?" It's tail slapped the water over and over, spraying the blonde with a mist of sea salt.

He bristled at the monster's accusations but acknowledged it was right. "Humans don't eat mermaids. We kill them because they try to kill us. Humans even look at your kind and you jump to kill them. Tell me beast, why is that?" The blonde jumped onto the rock the young mermaid was perched on, much to the creature's surprise.

"W-What do you think you're doing? Unhand me!" It squeaked as the blonde grabbed both of its wrists in his hands. "I won't. I-SHUT UP I'M TALKING!" He growled and jerked the green beauty towards him as it continued to struggle. It's eyes narrowed as it's tail swept away from both of them and flung forward in an attempt to slap the human off the rock.

The ash blonde predicted this and ducked, avoiding the tail. He caught the mermaid by surprise on the backswing by catching part of it's fin in his mouth and bit down. The creature screeched in pain and it's bottom lip quivered, that flirty pout reappearing again.

"Stop giving me that disgusting look. I hate it." The man quipped, releasing it's tail. Tears welled up in it's soft emerald eyes, sprinkling down on its sun-kissed cheeks. He knew it was an act but damn the beast was so damn pretty. Everything it did was just so majestic. Even its crocodile tears. The man snarled in response, making it bite it's lip in an attempt to stop crying.

"LISTEN DAMMIT! I'M ONLY GONNA SAY THIS ONCE!" He grasped a handful of its curly green locks and made it look up at him. "If you don't think you are a blood thirsty killer, prove it. I'll be watching your every fucking move. One week. You have one week to convince me otherwise or I'll come for you and those I find with you."

This was the first time that Midoriya had a chance to see this bothersome human up close. He was beyond gorgeous. His light blonde hair spiking up in every direction looked as if it might be rough, but the way it shimmered and rustled lightly in the ocean breeze suggested otherwise. Although his eyes were serious, those strawberry red eyes had an unimaginable depth to them. They glinted and reflected light like rubies themselves. He just knew he was going to fall for owner of those eyes.

"You hear me? Useless Deku." The blonde sighed. Midoriya's tail stopped fanning the air in response to the nickname.

"What did you just call me?" He gasped. "You heard me. Useless. A loser. A Deku. It's the perfect name for you." The Blonde scoffed.

"H-how dare you! My name is Midoriya! As if you even bothered to ask!" He heard a growl in response. "Do I get to know your name or do I continue to call you human?" Midoriya huffed, a slight smile spreading across his lips.

Despite the less than friendly interaction they were having, there was something about this human that Midoriya liked.  Maybe it was the fact that he knew the truth about his kind but hadn't run away. "It's Bakugou. Katsuki Bakugou." Irritation still laced the blonde's voice but Midoriya found it interesting.

"How can someone so beautiful be so damn mean.." Midoriya muttered softly. "The fuck was that?" Bakugou's grip tightened in his green curls. "A-Aaaah!" The greenette moaned quietly.

Bakugou cocked an eyebrow before letting go of Midoriya. "One week, Deku. That's all I'm gonna say." He used his quirk to blast off of the rock, leaving the mermaid behind. His jade eyes followed Bakugou until he disappeared into a crowd of people on the beach.

What could he do to prove his innocence with just one week?

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