A Miraculous Discovery

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Shadow's point of view

I slowly fluttered my eyes open and tried to get up, but I felt dizzy and laid down again. I was on a beach. I slowly stood up and looked around. Behind me, was a big forest. "Oh Fuck! Where the hell am I? How am I going to get home? What am I going to do?" I asked myself. I was starting to freak out a little, "I don't know what time it is or what day it is! How long have I been out! Where will I stay if it gets dark? My dad is going to KILL me when I get home!" I shouted in frustration. Then, I looked over and walked over to the forest. I peered in and saw that their were twigs laid on the ground. Loads and loads of them. I remembered when we built dens in year 7 camp in secondary school. If I could collect enough twigs, I could apply the skills I learnt then and make myself a shelter to stay the night. Then I just sit on a rock and look out over the ocean in the morning waiting for a ship to come, and then they can drop me off home. Hopefully my dad won't kill me. Excellent idea! I quickly rushed into the forest. 

On the Chaos

The Chaos slowly started drifting back to Marituga, when Caramba quickly ran out of the engine room. "ZAK! ZAK!!" Caramba screamed. "Okay, no need to shout Caramba! I'm right up here!" Zak said, looking down over the rail of the Captain's wheel. "You need to come down here quickly! I picked up something important on the scanner, which you might want to see!" Caramba said. "Be down in five seconds!" Zak shouted, and ran down the stairs. Caramba ushered him into the engine room. 

Caramba's Point of View

Zak won't believe what I found. It was a boy! I know that dosen't seem that gloriox, but something else is. I was able to identify the person, and turns out, they have a strong, important connection with Zak. He'll never be able to guess who it is, and he'll be so shocked when he finds out! Now whether that's a good or bad thing I'm not sure, it just depends how close they are. 

C: "Something landed in the Dark Sea of Beru! Something, someone, very interesting!"

Z: "Okay, first, hold up! The Dark Sea of Beru?"

C: "When the Seven Seas of the Bermuda Triangle were first created, each seas had two elements within them: Dark and Light. The differences between them is a mystery yet to be discovered, and there are vortexes in each light sea to get to the dark sea and vice versa. But that's not the point! The point is, I was able to identify the person! The scanner picked up their DNA! And you'll never guess who!"

Z: "Okay 'Ramba, you're acting way too over the top and excited about this for comfort! Now, just WHO is it?"


Z: "WHAT THE....?!"

I shouted the name in excitement - I couldn't contain it anymore. I waited for Zak's reaction to the name. 

Zak's Point of View

I could not find words to express myself. What the fuck is Shadow doing in the Bermuda Triangle? Or was this all a joke? Caramba does like to prank around with Clovis sometimes. Maybe they just planned this to see my reaction, knowing I'll totally freak out and they can just laugh about it. But I didn't see Clovis anywhere, and I never told them I had an older brother. I let them assume it was just me and my dad at home. 

Z: "Are you sure this isn't another one of your joint pranks with Clovis?"

C: "No! I promise, it's real! He's in the Dark sea of Beru! Look at the scanner and see for yourself!"

He zoomed in on the picture and I saw my brother walking into a forest on an island. "We have to find him! If we've picked him up, then Bones probably has too! We need to get to that island before he does! He can't get his hands on my brother!" I demanded. "Right you are, Captain! Consider it done! With the rate we're going, the closest vortex to the Dark Sea of Beru is two point five hours away! Then it's just a matter of figuring out which island he's on!" Caramba said, and immediately got to work. Zak nodded and ran back out on deck. 

Cece's Point of View

I saw Zak run out of the cabin. "What did Caramba need so urgently?" I asked. "Allow me to explain! Where's Clovis and Crogar?" I asked. "Up here!" Clovis said and waved. We both looked up to see them both on the top deck. "Come on down guys!" Zak said. When we were all gathered round, Zak cleared his throat and told us the whole story. 

When he finished, I gasped. "WHAT?!! Zak Storm you didn't tell us anything about having a brother!" "Well, now I have! But we need to find him! Caramba is already taking us in the direction of a vortex to the Dark Sea of Beru!" Zak said. "Why?" I asked. "Well, first of all because he's my brother. Second of all, if we were able to pick him up, then Bones probably did too. And since we were able to identify him, Bones probably can too. We have to get to him before Bones gets there! If he finds out he's my brother, he'll definitely want to capture him! Please!" Zak said. I sighed and said okay. He smiled and raced up to the wheel. 

Bone's Point of View

"General! A phenomenal discovery has been made on the scanner which will definitely make you and Master Skullivar very happy!" A skeleton soldier told me. "What?" I asked. "See for yourself!" He said, as a screen popped up showing the scanner results. "STORM? As in, related to Zak Storm?!" I asked shocked. "Turns out it's his brother!" the skeleton stated. "Set a course on the island of the Dark Sea of Beru! Storm will definitely come to us to save his brother if we can get our hands on him, and then victory is ours!" I demanded and the Demoniac set sail. I grinned as the screen disappears. "Let's see how loyal you really are, Zak Storm. Once we get your brother, it'll be you next!"

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