Chapter 1

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"Love is the hardest habit to break and the most difficult to satisfy"


"Here's to making our first official day of college," Dreya said as she raised her glass in the air for a toast. I raised my glass in the air and we toasted.

We are at Club Heated in Atlanta, GA celebrating our arrival to the college life. I'm going to share a little about myself to you guys. I am eighteen years old, light-skinned, five-foot-six-inches in height, which is average. Born and raised in Atlanta, I have a nice smile, long black hair which has a tint of brown sometimes, and I'm always on my A game when it comes what I want in life.

My GPA is a 4.3, which is how I got accepted into Morris Brown College. My boyfriend Raheem was supposed to be here with me celebrating. Raheem is a sophomore at Morris Brown. I talked to him earlier and he told me that he would make it, but hasn't shown up yet. I was sitting at the bar feeling conflicted and sad. It's funny how my mood just changed out of the blue like that.



I was out celebrating with my best friend Alyssa. We made a pact to attend the same college no matter what and that is exactly what we are doing. Alyssa and I have been best friends for about twelve years. Today was our first official day of the college and I wanted us to have some fun before classes started. I noticed that Alyssa was not herself the whole night. She must be still upset because Raheem didn't show up. I feel Raheem isn't right for her, but I can't tell her that because she won't believe me. She is so stuck on that boy it ain't even funny. Anyways let me tell you guys a little about myself.

I am eighteen years old, light-skinned, five-foot-eight in height, long hair, decent smile, and I always like to tell people the truth no matter what, even if it hurts their feelings. My GPA is a 4.2 and I received a scholarship to Morris Brown College for $ 200,000. I'm going to make the best out of college life and enjoy it. I looked over at Alyssa and her mood seemed different from earlier.

"Lyssa!" She seemed to be deep in thought about something.


"I know you're not over here sulking over Raheem not being here. I'd say celebrate without him. Shoot make him realize that you don't need him to have a good time. Besides, I'm here with you,"

I looked at her and gave a small smile. I really don't see why Raheem needs to be here with us. Alyssa can have fun without him being here. I don't think Raheem is doing right towards Alyssa and their relationship.


Ever since I got to Morris Brown, which was yesterday, Raheem and I have kind of distanced a little from each other and I'm starting to wonder if it is going to affect our relationship more than it already has. Raheem and I have been together since I was in tenth grade and he was in the eleventh grade, which basically means he was my first love. You could understand that it is hard to just let go of your first love. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Dreya calling my name until she screamed it.

I listened as Dreya told me that basically I should stop sulking over Raheem not being here and I should make him realize that that I don't need him to have a good time. I thought about what Dreya said and realized that I don't need Raheem here to have a good time. I could have a good time with or without him. Dreya has been my best friend since grade school which basically means we've been best friends for twelve years. We've had each others backs no matter what. She is the type of person who keeps it real, no matter how bad it hurts your feelings in the end.

"You know, you're right! Let's celebrate." I grabbed my glass and finished my drink. No, I'm not drinking alcohol, if that is what you're thinking. I am pretty much a responsible person and know that it's wrong to drink and drive. We hit the dance floor and started dancing.

"Girl, this is my jam!" Dreya screamed over the loud music.

"I know right!" We were moving our hips to "Dance with Me" by 112. The place was packed with people on the dance floor and throughout the place. After dancing to about five songs, we left the club.

"Lyssa, I had fun tonight," Dreya said as we walked back to our dorm. Since we're freshmen we have a curfew and didn't want to stay out any later than twelve AM.

Once we reached our dorm, I placed my shoes in my closet and plopped down on my bed. I almost forgot to check my phone to see if Raheem had at least called to explain himself about not joining me to celebrate like he said he would. I checked my phone only to find NOTHING. I sighed.

"I'd give up on expecting him to come around. He'll come around on his own when he feels guilty about bailing on you and when he wants something, trust me I know this. I would make it hard for him to get back on my good side," Dreya said.

Dreya had a boyfriend but he cheated on her and she kicked him to the curb. She said hopefully she will find the right one, but for now she isn't looking for love.

"Yeah you're right, Dre." I went in the bathroom and freshened up. Reluctantly I got dressed in my pj's. "We're young and we should just sit back and enjoy our lives and not be tired down," Dreya said. I sat down on my bed.

"How is it that you're always right about things, Dre?"

"No clue but you know I keeps it real about stuff. Please believe me," Dreya said as she popped her invisible collar. Even though I'm still upset about Raheem bailing on me tonight I had to laugh at Dreya's crazy self.

"Dreya, you're a mess. Goodnight, roomie."

"You know how I do. Goodnight," Dreya said. With that, I got in bed and went to sleep with Raheem on my mind. He'd better have a good excuse as to why he bailed on me tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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