three queens, a king and a jack

Start from the beginning

Cat Noir and ladybug jumped into action to save the day but as they were fighting the Akuma Cat Noir saw some civilians and without thinking went to protect them. "This is really dangerous you guys need to scat." The girl giggled making Cat Noir look at her. It was Maria and Marco. "Paris has super heroes too! And they are gorgeous! Have you considered modeling Mr. Noir?" "Well I have been told I can pull off a purrrfect cat walk." He grinned at her amd winked in a flirty way. "Cat!" Ladybug shouted. "gotta go. You guys get to safety." Maria nodded and dragged her brother to a near by store. The heroes defeated the Akumatized victim and saved the day. They fist bumped as always "great job cat." "You too bugaboo." He tried to kiss her hand but she jerked away, "Don't call me that... How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that." "Oh come on my lady you know you lov- "I mean Cat Noir. I'm sick of your flirting... I'm in a relationship and I'm not comfortable with your unprofessional behavior. It wasn't amusing then and it's not amusing now, this is serious. We are heroes, we don't have time to goof off. Hawkmoth is a real threat, he's getting stronger. We need to buckle down and try to figure out how to stop him for the sake of Paris. I'm sorry for being so harsh but you must understand." Ladybug gave a serious look making the cat themed hero look down. Ladybug touched his shoulder. "I don't wanna hurt your feelings. I'm sorry but you need to stop... the more you act like this the more uncomfortable and distracting it is we need to stay foc-" He pulled away. "Okay..." He left before she could finish making her sigh. She hated upsetting him but it was for the best. Hawkmoth was planning something big and she needed him to take it seriously.

Adrien detransformed and returned to school as if nothing happened despite his heavy heart. He tried to hide the fact his heart had just been crushed by her for the hundredth time but this time was different it still stung each rejection, but unlike all those each time she simple brushed him off this time she meant it and he knew it. This was a whole new level of pain Ladybug was in a relationship. She finally got the guy she always wanted and it wasn't him, he felt like he had no chance that he lost before even trying. "Hey dude!" Nino approched him with a smile. Adrien smiled back, one of his famous fake smiles that he flashed in all the photo shoots he did. "Hey you wanna hang after school?" "That'd be awesome but Alya and I have a double date with Marinette and Luka. You could come, bring one of your admirers or all three... I gotta go bye!" Nino ran off when he saw Alya before Chloe jumped on Adrien's back in childish way. "Adrikens!!" "Chloe... Hi..." He replied. "So do you wanna do something after school?" She asked. "I can't. I promise Marco and Maria I'd hang out with them." "Whos Maria?" Kagami asked in a jealous tone. "Marco's twin sister." "Lila didn't come today. She's probably still upset about what Marco said to her but serves her right... She can't just come on so strong to a stranger like that." Chloe scoffed and for once Kagami agreed with a nod. Adrien held back a sigh before the bell ring. Classes went on as usual and a dark rainy cloud seemed to be over Adrien's head despite how hard he tried to put on a brave face and smile.

Luka noticed when he bumped into him in the hall. Adrien stared at him a moment as if he was spacing out before shaking his head. "Sorry." He finally voiced. "You okay man?" Luka asked touching his shoulder, "you look a little out of it today.... Your emotions they're kind of sad feeling I think... I'm trying to get better at reading my emotions and expressing them without my guitar and music. Am I right?" Adrien glanced away. "Don't worry about it... I have to get to class." Luka's eyes followed him as he walked away but he didn't push it further knowing how private Adrien was and besides he had more important things to do like meet his girlfriend before class. Once school was over Adrien's driver picked him up from school and to his surprise Maria and Marco were waiting on him. "Hey how was school? Do you want to get ice cream? I want some ice cream! I never had ice cream from France before!" Maria voiced in a bubbly tone. "Oh yeah... Sure... Let's get ice cream." Adrien glanced out the window as the driver drove off and he saw Alya, Nino, Marinette and Luka walking, they looked happy so much in love with smiles on their faces and hands holding significant other. He didn't understand why he could have that. Why the only one he ever loved was in love with someone else, it was a living hell and to now make it worse Ladybug was officially taken shattering his hopes and dreams of being with her. "Bad day?" Maria asked. "No it was okay just long." He claimed. Marco said nothing he was too busy staring out the window to even pay attention to what they were talking about. Adrien looked at him, it was obvious to the blonde that the Italian boy didn't get out much which is why he focused on all the details around him taking them in knowing he would probably never get another chance to see the same place again at least not for a long time. The driver took them to pick up ice cream and they eat in the car happily. "This is so yummy!" Maria smiled. "We never get ice cream. Father says it's bad for our bodies." "We must stay perfect and flawless. Eating sweets and junk food is not good for our shape." Marco voiced "but not everything we like is good for us..." Adrien noted Marco look happier with sweets his blank expression seemed to loosen up alittle and his eyes seemed to shine alittle brighter. Maria looked between them. Her brother stared out the window as he ate and the blonde stared at him, focusing mostly on his lips and eyes. She smiled. "Ms. Natalie is so nice. She promised to have tea with me. So you two have fun!" Maria voiced once they arrived back to the large manison like house and left the boys in the dust. "Natalie reminder her of our mother... She and Natalie have similar personalities." "You take after your mother then?" Adrien asked. Marco's eye brows forward as if his question insulted and annoyed. "you think I'm emotionless?" "Well... You never smile and look kind of bored... Natalie usually is like that..." "Am I?" Natalie asked sternly making Adrien jump and Marco chuckle. "Uh well..." The blonde rubbed his head. "It's time for your martial arts lessons... Prehaps Marco would like to join." The blonde's green eyes glanced at the Italian boy who wore a pleased look. "Sure." 

The two boys walked off to the dojo in the mansion Adrien did some stretches as his instructor talked with Marco. "Adrien. Are you ready?" "Yes sir." Macro took a seat to watch. He watched quietly studying Adrien's movements. It was obvious the blonde had been taking lessons since he was little, he was very skilled. He looked more serious during his spar. He looked more handsome making Marco tilt his head. "Hmm..." he wanted to capture the moment with a picture but knew it would probably be a distraction and creep Adrien out. Adrien smiled at him, he was use to people staring at him and he usually didn't like all the eyes on him but he didn't mind Marco's stare. Marco stood when the instructor called him. "He also knows Kung Fu. I would like to see you spar." Adrien gave a nod but felt awkward seeing Marco's serious chocolate brown eyes looking at him, he froze not even hearing his instructors start the match he stood dumbly in a fighting stance until Marco pinned him down; his face so close, his hot breath tickled his skin, the heat of his body pressed to his body, he felt a tingly feeling but it left quickly as it came when he was jerked to his feet. "Adrien?" Marco called bringing him back to reality. "Sorry sorry can we take a break?" Adrien asked rubbing his neck as his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. The instructored sighed and left them alone in the dojo to get some water. Adrien sat on the ground and ran a hand through his hair. He stared at the mat. Marco said nothing and hugged him. "It's okay..." His green eyes began to water. The hug was firm and tight. His words gentle making Adrien bury his face in his shoulder. "You were right..." He muttered out Marco rubbed his back lightly. "and today sucked..." He pulled away and wiped his eyes. "sorry..." "I don't mind." Marco claimed. "You need to let it out sometimes." "So do you... You are just as lonely and miserable as me if not more." Marco gave him a small smile. "I do. I let it out through music and writing. I cry sometimes." Adrien glanced away, "how can you just say it like that?" "I liked the serious face you gave during your training with your Kung Fu instructor. It made you look more handsome." He stood and began to walk away. "Wait... Marco..." Adrien voiced making him turn back to him. "Do you want to hang out?" Marco gave a smile, "sure." "I have fencing practice with Kagami after my Kung Fu lesson but afterwards maybe we could just talk..." "I'd like that." He left allowing Adrien to concentrate a little more on his task at hand but his mind keep wondering what he was going to say to him.

Kagami was naturally on time and ready as always to practice with Adrien. She always enjoyed her time with him and with their family situations being similar she felt they were close and understood each other like no one else did. Adrien greeted her with a smile, dressed in his fencing gear. His fencing instructor watched carefully as they sparred. Always impressed with how well they moved together as they fought. He rubbed his chin and gave a few pointers before they took a water break. "Great match as always Kagami. I can never beat you." She gave a small rare smile. "I bet you could if you tried." He turned the smile but had nothing more to say, they sat in peaceful silence for a moment before practicing again. When the fencing session was over Kagami went home he let out a sigh and watched her car drive away. He went inside and walked to the room Marco was staying in, the door was slightly cracked but not enough for him to see inside. Adrien raised his hand to knock but he hesitated feeling his palms grow sweaty. It wasn't like him to be nervous not in the own comfort of his own house anyways. He he swallowed hard and took a breast but before he could manage to knock on the door he heard the sweet melody of a violin. He listen to the soft song a moment and found himself swaying slightly. Marco was talented and he enjoyed the tone he heard. He didn't want to Disturbed him and turned around to leave him be but when he turned he came face to face to Maria who smile. Adrien jumped slightly and gave an awkward wave. "hi..." "Hi... Marco. Adrien wants to spend time with you. You can practice later." Maria called to her brother making Adrien blush a little before she walked away. "You can come in if you want." Marco called. Adrien stiffened at his words before slowly turning to go into the room. "sorry I didn't want to bother you." "You aren't, come sit with me, you said you wanted to talk so I was just waiting." Marco patted the spot next to him. Adrien looked at the violin before taking a seat next to him. "How was fencing?" "Good good... fencing was good..." He replied before griping his fist. "Marco... I know I've bare know you and I don't know you very well yet but..." Adrien's words got stuck in his throat making Marco raise his brow at his nervous behavior. "But?"

Author's note: I want to give a thank you to all other people reading this story so far! I'll be updating soon let me know what you think so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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