Start from the beginning

"You walk around here, looking down your nose at us and thinking you're better than us. But guess what? You're nothing and we're going to make sure that you're reminded of that each and every day," Brian hissed at me. I settled for glaring at him. 

"You're delusional," I told him. He didn't like that and I guessed that most people would have been too afraid to answer him back by now. But he didn't scare me. Even when he backhanded me so hard my head bounced off the wall, or when he pushed his hand against my face ensuring my head remained pushed in to the wall. 

"I rule this place and you'd best fall in line or you may just suffer a nasty accident," he told me and I rolled my eyes. Did he really think that anyone was scared of him? The staff may not give a shit but they wouldn't let us die on their watch. A few bruises maybe but nothing that could intefere with their job. 

"I think I'd rather choose the accident," I said and was rewarded with a punch to my ribs that had me sucking in a breath of air. Then out of nowhere he released me and I heard a grunt and a thud. Spinning round I could only gape in shock at the sight of Brian laid on the floor nursing a bloody nose while glaring mutinously at Theo. 

"Did I interrupt something?" He asked and I threw myself in to his arms. 

From that moment on Theo became more than just my saviour. He was my hero, my confidant and my best friend. We were inseparable and he made my time as a foster kid bearable and sometimes even fun. I knew there was no way that he should have been placed with me after what happened but he said he had somehow hacked the system and placed himself with me. I wasn't sure I believed him at first but as time went on I realised Theo was crazy smart and if anyone could hack the system it would be him. 

For the next few years Theo protected me and I let him closer than anyone else. I'm pretty sure I even had a crush on him. But he was my knight in shining armour and I knew he didn't see me like that. I knew we were inseparable and that nothing could come between us. 

Then Theo turned 18.

The care system cared very little for its charges, from what I had seen, and the rule was that when you turn 18 you're out on your ear. You may get help finding a small place but that's it. I hadn't really thought about the future but I guess I always assumed Theo would be around. I never for one moment thought he would leave me. But that's exactly what he did. He left and joined the army or whatever. He only came back long enough to say goodbye. I wanted to beg him to stay with me but I refused to show that much emotion to a man who obviously didn't feel the same way I did. He was the only family I had and I should have known better than to get attached. I was in the care system and we all knew that you couldn't count on family. 

Intermittent beeping was the first thing I became aware of and I groaned as I forced my eyes open. The light hurt my eyes but at least my head didn't feel like it was going to explode. Everything ached and I groaned as I turned my head slightly. It was immediately obvious that I was in hospital. Surprisingly I appeared to be in a private room. It concerned me a little that I wasn't on a busy ward. I knew for a fact my insurance didn't cover private healthcare and I really didn't want to find out that I was at the mercy of some psycho serial killer. I vaguely remembered the accident and I wondered whether I had been imagining that the car had deliberately hit me. Someone could have lost control of the car I supposed. After all, i had believed the car was aiming for me again and yet it obviously hadn't been. 

A nurse arrived in my room and didn't seem surprised to see me awake. She offered me a smile and began doing some checks and readjusting the drip. 

"How are you feeling?" She asked. She had a warm voice and I could see why she had chosen a career as a nurse. She was petite and blonde and perky. She gave off an aura of non-threatening confidence and warmth. She immediately put me at ease and I relaxed in to the pillows as she continued her checks. 

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