Taking a good look around, he could see so many statues and sculptures of cryptids. Next to a table stood two "sculptures", one of a yeti and another of a mitla. As he passed them, the yeti turned, watching him from near the entrance.

"He looks lost," a male voice piped up. "Must've been stumbling through the woods..."

"Shut up," a young girl's voice snapped. "It's not our issue. If we don't say anything, maybe he and his dog will leave."

Hearing the whispers, Félix looked around to try locating the voice. "Is someone there?" he called out.

"Don't even think about it, Susan," the young girl hissed. "Not one word outta you, not a single word."

"I apologize if I'm intruding, but I've lost my way through the woods," the old man went onto explain. "And I need a place to stay for the night."

"Poor fellow," Susan sympathized. He looked to the other cryptid. "Come on, Coraline, have a heart."

"Shhhhh!" Coraline tried to shush him, clamping her paw over his mouth.

However, their attempts at going unnoticed failed as Chief sniffed around, stopping as he ended up at their feet. Coraline yelped and tried shooing the dog away, allowing Susan to say, "You are always welcome here, sir!"

"I heard that!" Félix exclaimed, grabbing a candle and whipping it around. "But who said that? Step out where I can see you!"

Susan stepped out. "Over here!"

"Where?" Félix looked around, still lost. Chief barked and tried to get him to turn around, only for his master to continue looking everywhere except behind him.

Susan tapped the man's shoulder, making him turn around to face him. "Hi," the yeti greeted him, grinning and waving his hand.

"AH!" Startled, Félix jumped back, falling to the ground. "In- incredible..."

"Now you've done it, Susan," Coraline groaned as she came over, shaking her head. "Great, just great..." She began trying to push the man towards the door. "Good day to you, sir, and goodbye!"

Félix shook his head quickly, trying to process what he was seeing. "Wait, wait, wait! You're a mitla, and- and you're talking!"

"Surprising, ain't it?" Coraline asked sarcastically, continuing to push him toward the door. "Quite the puzzle, now bye-bye."

"Coraline, why are you being so rude to our guest?" Susan asked, stepping between them. "Have a heart."

"I have a heart," Coraline barked. "But we need to get him out before he finds out!"

"How can this be?" Félix asked, wondering just how this cryptid could talk. Curious, he grabbed the mitla's tail and began playing around with it.

"Hey, let me go right now!" Coraline cried as she felt him twist her tail. "Stop it!"

Félix ignored her, continuing to fiddle around with her. He lifted up one of her paws, tickling it underneath, making her giggle. He was about to remove her dragonfly hairclip, when she swatted at his hand with her paw.

"Hands off!" she snapped, getting back on the floor and glaring at him.

"P-perdóname," Félix stammered. "It's just that I've never come across any cryptids before, especially not one that ta–" He was unable to finish his sentence, as he sneezed in her face.

Coraline winced, wiping the snot off her face. "Bless you."

Susan noticed how Félix sniffled, indicating the cold he had caught from being out in the cold woods. "Poor man, soaked to the bone," he sympathized, beginning to lead him towards the den. "If you sit by the fire, you'll be warm in no time."

La Bella y la BestiaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora