chapter 1

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note: Hey, folks. So, I've had this idea in mind for a while and finally decided to write it down: a beauty and the beast AU. Why, you may ask? Because a. Hugh Jackman was in the original Australian broadway cast as Gaston, and b. It really works well with the characters. Lionel and Beast both start out only caring for themselves (though the former is less aggressive than the latter) and Adelina and Belle both yearn for adventure, something far more grand than the life they currently live. If that doesn't scream a perfect fit, then I don't know what does.
Also, as for the crossover thing: since there aren't a lot of supporting characters for Missing Link, I've had to make due with other laika characters for the servants and some cameos from other stopmotion films for the villagers, while I'm using an OC as Adelina's father.
Oh, and the songs are kept in too along with a few additions from the broadway show.
With that out of the way, let the fairytale begin!


Once upon a time, within a far off place in England, there lived a handsome investigator of mythical creatures in a magnificent mansion. Coming from a well-off background and having traveled around the world many times, he had everything his heart desired – things a person could only dream of having. He had several assistants and valets, including his loyal partner Susan whom he had met on one of his explorations in the Pacific Northwest, many maps to various hidden, extravagant lands and many more artifacts, trinkets and other pieces gathered from his travels... and yet, despite being surrounded by these riches, the man was prideful and selfish, not caring about anyone else but himself.

But then, on a bitter winter's evening after the stroke of one, there was a knock on the two mansion doors. The man went to go open the doors and see for himself who this unexpected visitor was, finding a lone elderly beggar standing at the doorstep. His nose wrinkled up in disgust at the sight of her. Her faded brown hair was tangled and filthy, her skin was crinkled and chapped, one of her eyes was shut while the other was wide open and her cloak was ragged and torn.

"Pardon me, good sir," she croaked. "I do not come here asking for much, just a bit of hospitality... I apologize for disturbing you, but it is terribly cold out here." She pulled out a rose, which seemed to shine a little. "If you would be so kind as to let me in, then I will pay you with this rose in exchange for shelter."

"A rose?" He glanced at the rose for a moment, before looking back at her. Repulsed by her ugly appearance, he waved her off dismissively. "I have no use for a flower, now begone from my sight."

"Please, sir, do not be fooled by a mere appearance," she warned him. "Beauty is not found by simply looking at someone, it is found within. It lies within the heart."

"What could you possibly know about true beauty?" he scoffed, then motioned for her to leave once more. "I've said this before, and I will not say it again: leave now, or I will be forced to escort you off this land myself."

Upon being dismissed again, the beggar's ugliness melted away to reveal a young girl of eleven years with long hair, pale blue eyes and a long dress. Her entire body was surrounded by a golden glow, making her look as though she were a ghost. This was a sight that he had read of and heard in tales when he was a small lad, but never thought he'd see: a witch, a woman with supernatural powers. His face grew more pale than it already was at this. He fell to his knees, bringing his hands together as the young witch drew closer with her glow.

"Forgive me, young miss," he pleaded for her forgiveness. "I did not know that–"

"It's too late, Sir Frost!" she interrupted him. "You have been deceived by your own cold heart, and as punishment: a curse upon your house and all within it! Until you have found one to love you as you are, you shall forever remain... a beast."

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