Chapter two

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Dipper pov~

I had to do something to save my family "SHOOTING STAR!."
"Wait!! Let's make a deal bill I'll let you turn me into a demon also I will be your pet." This was the only way.."Deal!"Bill said I look at Mable who's crying I hug her one last time I hear bill snap his fingers then they were all gone I look up at bill I was expecting the little Dorito to be flying but it wasn't it was a boy taller then me 6'5 blonde hair a,eye patch with a triangle on it,he was wearing a yellow tux on his head was a hat he was holding a cane as well that was bill he wasn't a chip anymore but handsome.. I started to blush."Ok pinetree I'm gonna turn you Into a demon now ok?" I just nodded he put his hand on my forehead and started talking in a weird language I felt my body started to burn I yelled in pain until I passed out.

Time skip~

When I woke up I have cat ears and tail which meant bill turned me into a Neko demon which was cool I love cats also i was somewhere different for starters this room was HUGE! The walls were all colored yellow even the bed was yellow except for the pillows the pillows were black. As I was looking around the room I didn't see bill floating above me I jumped up in surprise he was still in human form? "Did a cat get my little pet tongue?" Bill said I glared at him " hahaha calm down pinetree I was just kidding." What do you want bill?" He smirked. "Well I was just giving my pet alittle gift is all.' I looked at him confused. "What gift?" He came closer I blushed a shade of pink then I felt something on my neck it was a damn collar. Take this off me bill!! I scream at the demon I try taking it off but I can't this stupid chip!!! "No I can't do that Dipper because we made a deal remember.' "tch! My family would come back for me and I'll leave this hell hole!" Bill eye patch turned red he grabbed my chin No one is taking you away from ME! Understand!?!?
I looked at bill afraid of what he would do to me. Dipper I said do you understand! "I-I understand b-bill..."call me master Dipper.' I understand m-master... His eye patch turned yellow again he soon smiled he then gave me my breakfast eggs,bacon,and waffles the food was delicious! Bill told me I can look around I took advantage of that and decided to look for away to escape!

Time skip~

It feels like I walked for hours I got lost in this maze I finally figured out where the exit is but there were a lot of monsters partying so I had sneak past them when I finally managed to make it past them I open the door alittle and slip past making sure no one seen me "now I just need to get down from here to leave this place." Leave me Dipper?" I turn around to see bill I completely freeze 'so you were gonna leave me Dipper?!" He eye patch slightly turning red" I was getting a glass of water?" Yeah your sure will find a glass of water out side." He says sarcastically now come on Dipper go back inside an I'll decide what your punishment will be." I stand there gripping my pants
I don't want to go...
Dipper get in here now.
I don't want to!
Bill throws me over his shoulder then he snaps his fingers and we were in the same room I woke up in he threw me on the bed; snapped again I had chains on my wrist and ankles you know Dipper I wanted to be nice. I gave you food a good place to sleep I even let you walk freely with no body guard! but no you wanted to leave me and even disobeyed me so that means I'm gonna have to give you your first punishment. He says I look at him in terrified he then snap all my clothes are off he put an three egg vibratior in my ass and two on my nipples,then he put a cock ring on my shaft, finally he out a sock in my mouth "maybe you'll learn your lesson after this." He cuts on all the vibrators on maximum I start screaming in pain and pleasure "mmh!!!" I try calling out his name but this damn sock is preventing me from doing that bill suddenly disappear tears start spilling out of my eyes.

Time skip for the third time ik :)

My throat,ass,and cock hurt and it's all that demon fault I feel the eggs vibrating more and harder I scream out in pleasure tears fall from my eyes again it's been hours since bill left I can't deal with this pain anymore
Master I'm sorry please turn it off I won't run away again!!!
Do you promise pinetree???
Ok then.
I see bill floating up above me checking me out he lick his lips I muffle out his name to turn the vibrators off he does just that I look at the cock ring then at bill "mmmh!" Do my little pet pinetree wanna cum??" I nodd my head "I want words Dipper" he grips my dick
Y-yes master!!!!
"Good boy Dipper." Bill soon takes off the cock ring I cum all over my chest some on my cheeks bill comes closer and lick the cum off my cheek "sweet~" he then snapped and all the chains were gone I breathe in heavily bill picks me up "w-where are w-we going m-master?" I ask "To take you bath pet" he sets me on the toilet to turn on the water he soon took off his clothes I looked away blushing when the water was the right temperature bill picked me up he sat down then put me on his lap he got soap and cleaned the both of us when that bath was done he dried the both of us bill put on underwear joggers and a T-shirt that showed off his abbs i blushed a bit bill looked over to me went to his closet grabbing a long sleeved shirt he out the shirt on me that went all the way to my thighs he chuckled on how his shirt was to big for me I looked down embarrassed he then got girl panties for me PANTIES!! I look at the undergarments 'm-master why do I have to wear those.." because you'll look cute in them" he slips the panties on me. Now Dipper go to bed and don't worry I cleaned the sheets." Bill suddenly disappeared I go to the bed no even daring going towards the door once I get in the covers I soon go into a dreamless sleep..


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