2- culprit and memories

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I sat and stared out the window the smell of my flowers enveloping the room, my thought were slow as I went over everything I learned a couple days ago. I'd say my interrogation worked wonderfully with my two willing informants.

So what I've gathered is at a young age I moved here with my two parents, they wouldn't tell me from where though. I'm apparently a kunoichi and a chunin, my team has a temporary replacement because of my current situation. I've gathered from my appearance I'm around 10 to 12, a quick look at the med board at the foot of my bed told me I was 11. And I'm in the middle of the third shinobi war, considering my luck I'd say I'm sorta fucked.

I sighed and leaned back, inoichi told me if I relaxed and meditate there might be a chance to regain my memories. The likelyhood of this actually working in my opinion, is 0. But I've already seen one memory and if I want to survive and figure out what happened, I need to try. Crossing my legs I closed my eyes and tried to let go, let got of my emotions and thoughts and my worldly presence.

I could feel myself start to relax and slip away from conscious awareness, and just as I felt the familiar tug of a memory the door opened and someone walked in. Snapping my eyes open I stared the nurse down, she smiled warmly at me. Politely I smiled back.

"I'm here to change your bandages and administer you with some pain killers." Her tone was sweet as honey and for some reason my skin crawled and turned cold.

The gentle nurse came closer and I looked at her clothing, my previous nurse had a badge to identify them. She had none.

"Thank you but not to long ago a nurse already gave me my painkillers, I'm sure you had a mix up with that." Her pleasant disposition didn't change, she grabbed some bandages and had me sit at the edge. She leaned forward as she moved my hospital gown out of the way and unwrapped my torso, discarding it she quickly moved onto rewrapping the new one.

"Oh that's alright, so how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"From what the doc told me, you fell down a set of stairs and was stabbed." She stated almost aghast at the thought.

"I'm a shinobi, I've gone through worse."

"The wound is healing nicely, I must ask how you were injured so badly?" I looked up at her as unease settled in my chest, but I smiled sheepishly at her.

"Got no clue, the fall down the stairs gave me amnesia."

I studied her closely, the only change in her expresion was the pitying look. As she leaned closely to pull the bandage across my back her faint smell of lavender would invade my nose. The scent made my heart stop and my blood run cold, tightening my jaw I steeled myself as I glanced at the help button. She pulled away with her disarming smile.

"All done I'll be back to check in on you. Alright? Unless you need something?"

I shook my head and moved back on the bed, watching her leave through the door. Once the door shut I waited a couple of minutes before jumping out of the bed tearing out the IV drip, wincing slightly I grabbed the clothes left for me from my absent teammates. A simple outfit, a black sleeveless turtleneck and green pants with shinobi shoes.

Once dressed I snuck out of my room and wandered down the halls till a sign caught my eye, stairs. Glancing around nonchalantly I opened the door and into the echoey staircase, quickly I rushed down the steps and into the bottom floor of the hospital. The lobby was filled with people which made escaping all the easier, stuffing my hands in my pockets I kept my eyes on the doors. Briefly glancing at the people around me in case one recognizes me, and thankfully they didn't.

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