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I waited in that tiny room for what felt like forever. My arm was killing me still, and I still was getting that burning feeling every once in awhile. I rested my elbows on my knees, putting my face in my hands, and took a deep breath. I was still in shock, and completely confused. Dare I say it, I rather be at work right now.

What was that thing? How come the chief seems to believe me but the other two officers didn't? Maybe I'm just crazy, maybe I was drugged or something? That wouldn't explain my arm though and the burning sensation I am feeling. Honestly I am just trying to think of anything right now that could possibly explain what happened, and what that thing was. I'll take anything right now, even if it does mean me being insane. But, I know what I saw, it was right on top of me and in my face. There is no way I saw wrong.

I sat there in my thoughts with the low rumble of all the people talking outside of the room. About twenty minutes later the door opened again, I turned around to see if was Chief Hopper standing with two teenagers, and Joyce Byers... the mom of the child who was just found dead in the lake, or at least thought to have. I guess he was found alive after. I simply looked at them.

"I think she has the answer to your problem." The chief said to them, looking at me with a cold stare.

I sighed in annoyance, was he serious?

"Chief Hopper, I told you, I know nothing-" Before I could finish my sentence the burning came back, but this time it wasn't the small pinch I had been feeling. 

I grabbed my arm, seeming as that was where the pain was coming from, feeling it spread all over me. I winced, falling out of my chair and against the desk.

"Shit...." I hissed as I started to feel light headed. 

The ran into the room, slamming the door behind them. Hopper and Joyce squatted down in front of me, looking me up and down.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" The teenage boy said.

I was wondering the same thing. I couldn't pay much attention to what was going on though. The pain was like a heart beat, it was throbbing, starting at my arm, followed by a boom of spreading pain over and over again.

"Hopper..." Joyce said in a skeptical tone.

He said nothing, only grabbing my arm and starting to unwrap it. I tried to push him away, I didn't want him to touch it I just wanted a damn hospital.

"Wait, stop-" I said, grabbing his hand.

"I need to see it." He snapped, continuing to unwrap it.

I let him, not having the energy to try and stop him.

I rested my head back on the desk as he gently exposed the wound. I didn't want to look at it, knowing what it had already looked like. But, when I heard everyone gasp in the room I decided I would glance down at it. I was shocked to find out that it most definitely did not look like what it did when it was first cleaned and wrapped.

"Oh my God..." I said as I looked at the growing wound. It was what looked like a huge bite mark around my arm. Now, it was swollen, turning all sorts of yellows, brows and purples. I felt my throat tighten with tears and fear. "What the fuck is wrong with me..." I said, starting to panic.

"Look familiar?" Hopper said to Joyce.

My arm being chewed up looks familiar?

"You said she ran into one of those... things from the other place?" The boy said from behind them.

"Yeah, it was out on 16 by the woods this morning. Got a hold of her." Hopper explained, not taking his eyes off of my arm.

"I think the kids might know what's happening." The girl said.

Hopper, Joyce, and the boy looked at her. Hopper stood up quickly with a stern look. "What do you mean they might know? Why would they know?"

I held my arm to my chest, looking down at it in panic. It was horrifying to look at. Hopper and the teenagers started to bicker back and forth, Joyce joining in, leaving me on the floor behind Hopper. I couldn't stand to look at it anymore, so I started to wrap it back up myself. 

"We need to take her to a Doctor, Jim." Joyce snapped.

"Oh, you think so? Yeah, you can explain that to a Doctor then, Joyce." Hopper snapped, pointing at me.

"Look, Mike said that-" The girl started to say over him but she was cut off.

"No, no, no. We are not involving those kids in this anymore." Hopper said over her.

My head was pounding as they all were talking over each other. Slowly the burning started to stop, not feeling it as harsh and as often. At this point, I just wanted to go home and lay down. If I die, big bummer but this was just annoying.

I grumbled, trying to stand myself up, almost falling, stumbling into the desk which caught their attention. Hopper grabbing my forearm of my good arm, helping me stand. 

"Whoa, chill out, take a seat-" He said, guiding me to the chair, trying to get me to sit down.

"No, I think I'm good." I said, refusing to sit, shaking from his grip. "Could someone kindly explain to me what is happening? I was attacked by some monster, I have a alien looking wound on my arm and no one is giving me answers..." I said, looking at all of them.

They were all silent, putting their heads down. They then looked at Hopper.

"We gotta tell her." Hopper said quietly.

"Hop, we can't tell anyone else about this." The boy said. "We are already risking our lives with-"

"I don't give a shit, the lab can shove it up their ass. It's not like she doesn't already know things. If they didn't want the public to know then they should keep their science experiments to themselves." Hopper snapped.

The room was silent again. That just confused me even more. The lab? Science experiments? The fuck are they talking about 

Hopper sighed, looking at me, walking over to the other chair that was in front of the desk, sitting in it and picking up the other half of his cigarette that he had started, lighting it up. He motioned to the seat. "Might wanna take a seat."

I plopped down, facing him. He looked at the kids and Joyce, motioning for them to leave. "Head back, I'll be down that way in a bit. Find out where the kids are."

With that being said the three left, shutting the door behind them. It was silent again, I stared at Hopper, ready for some answers. He took his time, leaning back in his seat, taking a few drags from his cigarette. He wouldn't look at me.

"Before I say anything, a few things you need to understand is that knowing these things put your life in danger. You can not tell anyone, it stays between you, and I and anyone else who I say has the okay. Do you understand me?" He said, finally looking me in the eyes.

I felt a pit form in my stomach hearing all of that. Like, what the hell have I gotten myself into? I only nodded, not looking away from his eyes.

"I need to hear a yes." He snapped.

"Yes, I understand." I said quickly.

"Good. Now, another thing is you need to believe every single word I say. I want no questions, everything I tell you is all you need to know." He said, smoking his cigarette, clearing his throat, and sitting up in his chair, looking me dead in the eye.

I was feeling anxious, yet terrified, but I have to say I was definitely ready for some answers, man.



I know, I know, Its moving along slowly. I don't think I need to take the time to have Hopper explain the upside down and all the past events do I? I mean, I assume all of you know whats going on. Anyway, hang in there, it'll pick up.

Below and Beneath -Jim Hopper-Where stories live. Discover now