Alien Fire

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Ben 10/Teen Titans crossover

The Original shows

Warning: There might be underage sexual situations in this story. Yandereness from Ben and others if I or y'all want them to be one. Mostly of Ben 10 universe, might add villains or heros from Teen Titans.

Well it was nice knowing Earth for a bit. Hope the humans are ready for this excitable ball of fire, who can't wait to make friends with them. But he should watch out, for there are others who want him for themselves and will do whatever it takes to make sure it is so.

(M/n)'s Facts:

Tends to go with the flow even if he don't understand what's going on.

Travel to many planets before, but this is his first time visiting Earth.

Wonders if Ben is actually a shapeshifting Alien, but don't bother to ask in fear of sounding dumb.

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