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The group barged into the club, startling the guests. Jin and Yoonji started shooting, some guests falling to the bullets as others booked it out of the building. Guards started running towards the group to stop them, but Jungkook and Namjoon took care of every guard that tried to get close. Hoseok held his bat up to anyone that tried to hurt him, keeping Taehyung and Jimin behind him. After most of the riot was taken care of, Jungkook ran everywhere to find his father.

"You!!" Jungkook growled to one of the strippers. "Where the fuck is Mr. Jeon?!?!"

The woman shivered as she shook her head, "I-I don't know!"

"What about you!" Jungkook barked at the bartender of the club. "Where's Mr. Jeon!!??"

The small, dark blue-haired man shrugged and trembled, "I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know!"

"Aish stop playing dumb, you assholes!!" Jungkook yelled. "I know he told you not to tell me anything because you guys work for his dumb ass!!"

"Jungkook!" Hoseok called out. "I think he's in there!!"

Jungkook turned around to see Hoseok pointing towards a small opening that was covered by a pair of velvet curtains. Jungkook raced towards the opening, ripping the curtains apart to reveal a small, private room. In it, there was a muscular, familiar-looking man who was talking to a scrawny-looking boy who had raven-black hair. The man turned around to face Jungkook, a smirk plastered across his face.

"Youngjae, let's finish this conversation later," the man said to the skinny boy, pushing him to the side.

"Y-Yes, sir..." Youngjae stuttered, walking over to a corner of the room.

The man stared into Jungkook's soft brown eyes with a sharp look.

"Ah, you've finally come back, son," Mr. Jeon murmured.

"Glad you noticed, asshole," Jungkook hissed.

"I see you've brought the whole gang," Mr. Jeon smirked as he looked behind Jungkook to face the whole gang. "I knew Jin was with you, otherwise you wouldn't have found me."

"Wait, how'd you know that?!" Jin babbled.

"Let's just say I knew you were working at that one bar downtown, and as an expert criminal, I knew you knew where I was, and that you'd probably tell Jungkook," Mr. Jeon explained.

"Damn...he's good," Namjoon whispered to Jin, the elder boy nodding.

Jungkook was getting angrier by the second, "Shut the hell up, you asshole!!"

Mr. Jeon scoffed, "The asshole here is you, you damn kid. When you heard that I escaped prison, you didn't even bother to go find me. You didn't care, Jungkook. And let me guess, you're gay!?! You know I'm homophobic, damnit! I could see it in your eyes ever since you were little that you liked men. You little shit, you've disappointed me as your father."

"Shut up...that's not true!!" Jungkook yelled, hot tears racing down his cheeks.

"That's why your mother and I never got along anymore," Mr. Jeon growled. "She and your little brother, Junghyun, wanted to support you and love you, but I didn't. They were as disappointing as you were-"

"SHUT UP!!" Jungkook shouted, swinging his fist towards his dad's face, but Mr. Jeon caught his fist.

"But, you've grown as a criminal," Mr. Jeon smirked. "Why don't you join me, son? Leave this loser gang and the people in it forever, and make up for everything you've done wrong. You and your old man can commit crime together, what do you say?"

"NO!" Jungkook yelled once again. "I'm NEVER joining you and your stupid criminal business! EVER! And these guys aren't losers, they're the ones I love!!! After we destroy you, we're leaving our criminal lives behind FOREVER!!"

Mr. Jeon pushed Jungkook to the floor, and pulled a small gun out of his back pocket.

"Fine, so be it, son."

Suddenly, the man shot at Jungkook's legs numerous times. Jungkook let out agonizing sounds of pain, holding his legs tightly.

"JUNGKOOK!!" the group screamed.

Those bullets Mr. Jeon had in that gun...they weren't normal bullets. Jungkook and the rest were injected with Chemical Cisk, and could easily recover from any sort of stab or shot, so why was this the reaction Jungkook was giving to those gunshots??? He certainly wasn't acting, those were real noises of pain.

Youngjae gasped and put his hands over his mouth, "B-Boss...you do know that Jungkook and his group can't die because they injected themselves with that special chemical, r-right?"

Mr. Jeon looked back at Youngjae and smirked, "Oh Youngjae, these bullets I used on my own son are special. They even work on people WITH Chemical Cisk in their bodies."

Tears continued to fall from Jungkook's eyes as he held his legs tighter, "B-Bastard!!"

Mr. Jeon rolled his eyes and held his gun up to Jungkook's chest.

"Just die, you little shit."


T.M.F.F.M. #2: Escapee (Killer Vkook ff)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें