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Boros looked at it. He kept looking. And looking. And looking. He was looking at a burnt house. His burnt house. His family had been destroyed and all he could do was... Watch it. In horror. He was just 5 years old. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to find who did it. He was confused. Very confused. 'Why couldn't they regenerate?' he thought 'I thought adults could regenerate even quicker than me since I am a kid.... What happened... Why... Who did it... Why...' 

Suddenly his eyes were filled with violet tears. There was nobody to help him. He kept crying for a long time while he just watched the house burning. In fact, he cried so much, that he fainted. 

After regaining consciousness, he found himself in a building. He was in the building of the richest person of the planet- The Leader of The Galactic Force - Gracio. 'What am I doing here?' he thought. He tried to escape the house but suddenly Gracio stopped him. 'You are safe in here!' he said. Boros turned back. 'Y-you are...' he stuttered 'Gracio. The Leader of the Galactic Army!' 'Yes.' Gracio proudly said 'I found you unconscious near a burnt house. You had tears all over your face. I could even say that your face was drowning in your tears. It was a miserable sight to put eyes on and so I took you here so you could get some shelter. From my Psychic powers, I am assuming that burnt home was yours.' 

'Y-yes.' Boros sadly said. 'Don't worry.' Gracio said 'I will take care of you from now on.' 'NO!!' Boros yelled. 'Why not?' Gracio asked. 'You will probably put me in the Galactic Army when I grow up and... I hate the Galactic Army.' Gracio laughed as he said "You don't have to be necessarily a part of it just because I have given you shelter. You can choose whatever occupation you want." Boros suddenly had a slight smile on his face. 

Gracio left the room to look after his son- Griosta - who was only 3 years old by now. 'After I grow up...' Boros thought 'I will leave this cursed planet with this toxic environment forever... I will travel other planets... And, I will get Power.' 

He looked out of the glass of the building. The building had been protected from the toxic environment that this planet suffered from. Boros smiled. 'And to get Power, I will need to train.' he thought 'And I definitely am not going to train inside of this building. Staying here will damage by regenerative abilities. To grow stronger, I will need to train outside.' 

One Punch Man: Boros' JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now