A Halloween short story

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Again, bookworm has managed to get me to participate in something. I am too soft.

I present my halloween story; my first attempt at anything that isn't romance. If it isn't good, throw the insults to David for asking me to do this hehe. *I'm not good at coming up with something and getting it perfected in such a short space of time*

A Halloween short story

I pulled my outfit out of the dry cleaning bag and look at it with an evil grin on my face. This year I’m not going to the stupid party in the customary outfit, I will go as a cute cat just to piss of my fiancé who insists on celebrating the silly holiday. Halloween; really, isn’t that an American holiday that we copied? And seriously, the night the dead can walk the earth? Who ever came up with such a ludicrous idea. Even as a kid I didn’t go trick or treating and I guess the only reason I go to his brothers house is to avoid my own door being knocked at and having to give out candy to the kids dressed as witches and zombies. Liam calls me a party pooper and I should get in with the spirit, but I can’t.

I remove my bath robe and slip into the black lycra material that fits snug on my slim body and turn around to check out the slightly fluffy tail hanging from my flat behind. ‘Yes’ I think, now to the top.

Using black mascara I draw myself some whiskers and put some on the end of my nose before using pink lipstick to cover my lips. Last item to be added is little black kitty ears on a head band and I am done. A cute cat faces me in the mirror and I pull it off well. Even my black painted nails have been shaped and pointed to look like claws.

Making my way downstairs I find Liam in the kitchen with a bottle of beer in his hand, dressed and ready as a mad scientist; Really.

He turns to look at me and frowns before asking ‘what the hell Lucy’

I give him a twirl before rubbing myself up against him and meowing, offering my best impersonation of a cat

“Please tell me that you’re cat women gone wrong”

“Meow” I reply before licking at his face

“If anyone asks, you’re cat women” he pushes me off before storming out the room with beer still in his hand. All I can do is laugh before getting a bottle of Smirnoff Ice out the fridge and joining him on the couch.

“I’m tired of dressing up as some horror or mythical creature. Cats can be scary too” I offered as I took the place next to him

“Maybe I should go change and be Batman” he sighed

“But he was the good guy”

He gave no answer, only a disapproving look as he gulped the rest of his beer and called us a taxi.

The party was buzzing when we arrived and Liam was ignoring me. When his brother asked what I was he bit ‘Cat Women’ before walking off and leaving me in the hall. I apologised for his behaviour and my future brother-in-law who was dressed as a Vampire sighed, asking ‘another argument’ to which I agreed.

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