A boy about her age, with stock white hair and an upturned nose that still managed to look it, while laughing down at her, a taunting glint in his eyes could be seen from a mile away. "Walk much newbie?" The boy said.

Esme's face reddened with embarrassment and anger.

Next to him, a red haired girl slapped the back of the nasty boy's head. "Leave the poor girl alone, Draco." The red haired girl held a slight different accent then the boy— Draco— next to her had. "Do you always have to terrorize the the transfers the second they come to school! Honestly, you're an absolute git!"

At that point, Esme had gotten up from her position on the floor. Straightening her robes, He cheeks painted a shade of crimson, she said "I see I've found the insecure prick of Hogwarts haven't I?" She antagonized. "Tell me, do you run to your mother every time something doesn't go your way? Or is that not in every school?" Esme heard a snort come from the red head girl to his right.

"How dare you—" He started.

"Malfoy, how 'bout you run off to mummy and leave the poor girl alone. You filthy ferret."

This did not come from the Croft girl, but from another male that came from the gryffindor table. Esme turned around to see a mop of two red heads, and two identical looking faces. She had no clue which one spoke, but from the look on their faces, both looked to be saying the same thing.

"Shut it, Weasley. Your not needed in this." Malfoy sneered to the twins.

"Watch it Malfoy, or you'll be getting a nasty little surprise in your future." The one on the left said, then added. "Or was it already planned Freddie, I can't seem to remember." He tapped his chin thoughtfully, while the one on the right looked to his twin. "I can't say I remember, Georgie."

They both turned to Esme. "Sit here, love" The one that she thought was Freddie, patted the side to his right. "This seats not taken."

Sighing, Esme sat next to the boy. "Thank you for that." She smiled to the twins.

"Don't mention it, love. We did it out of the kindness of our hearts and our hatred for that ferret. By the the way, it'll do you good if you just stay away from him and the rest of them, nasty little things they are. Can't say that for Malfoy's girlfriend though, she's one of the good ones." The one called Georgie said, while holding out his hand for her to shake. "The names George Weasley. This is my uglier twin brother, Fred. What's your name?"

Esme shook his hand. "Esme Croft. I'm a transfer from America. It's nice to meet you two."

"Ah. That explains the accent." The twins said at the same time, freaking Esme out a bit.

"Um, do you guys normally say the same thing? Or is it a twin thing?"

"We don't know what your talking about, love." Fred said.

"We never said we were twins, don't know where you got that from." George finished.

"Maybe it's the same exact faces, or the fact that I can't tell which one of you is George and which is Fred." She looked between the twins.

"Fred's the uglier one, I've said that already." George said, pointing to his brother next to him.

"We have the same face, you ugly git." Fred argued. "How many times do I have to tell you this!"

At the last of his sentence, a dark skinned boy with dreadlocks, came crashing into the seat opposite her, sweating and panting like he just finished the Boston Marathon. "Okay. McGonagall may or may not flip when she comes in." He said to the twins, then slowly slid his eyes over to the Croft girl. "Who's the new girl. Name's Lee Jordan." He winked. "Pleased to meet you, also if McGonagall asks, I did nothing wrong."

"What have you done this time Lee? Put a dungbomb in the girls lavatory again? Also, this is Esme, she's from America." Fred picked up his drink.

"Worse. I put belch powder into Cormac McLaggan's food, and she's currently searching the castle for the person who did it." Lee laughed, and Esme couldn't help but giggle along with the three.

"If you're going to prank someone, try hexing a toilet to regurgitate anything that goes in it." Esme pipped in between the giggles. "Or put Bulbadox powder in someone's clothes, if you really want to make it interesting."

All three boys looked at Esme as if she'd grown a third head.

"Merlin's beard George! I think I'm in love!" Exclaimed Fred, who quite dramatically, fanned his face with his hand.

"You know pranks?" Lee asked her, quite surprised himself.

"Um, yeah. Back in Ilvermourny, I was known around there as the prank queen." She rubbed the back of her arm, nervously. "Until I, you know, moved away..."

Fred grabbed Esme's hand. "Will you please marry— OW!" Fred jumped, letting  go of Esme's hand quickly, as his brother slapped the back of his head. "I was only kidding! Geez, can't anybody take a joke these days!"

Esme laughed at the boys actions.

"It's alright. I take pride in the name, but why are all three of you jumping around in joy? Most people tend to stay away from me when I say that."

"You, my dear Esme, are looking at the three best pranksters of Hogwarts, well of our generation of course." Fred waved his hands around the three of them. "Four now, if you want to be included, Prank Queen."

Before Esme came to Hogwarts, She'd never hung out with anyone out side her two friends, and even they didn't like hanging out with her when she caused trouble, so when the two boys that she couldn't tell apart asked her to cause trouble with them like the old days, she couldn't help but say "Yes. I'd love too."

"Great! We're the four musketeers now! Prank Queen." Fred put his arm around her. "Now, lets stir up some trouble."

Fred held up his glass into the air. "To the four musketeers!" He yelled.

Then, one by one the rest of the group clinked their glasses together and yelled "To the four musketeers!"


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Oh. My. Goodness. I am so, so, so, so sorry that I haven't updated in like, two weeks. I've been so busy lately with school starting up again and finding my homecoming dress, that I haven't had time to write :( So, I finally had time to update! YAY!

Esme's story is now sort of/ kind of on a roll now, she's made friends with the Weasley twins (because I'm absolute trash when it comes to them ;) and she's made enemies (And I'm absolute trash for Draco too)

So, I'm going to quit talking now and start writing on the next chapter. (And maybe some of my other books)

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