New Friend or Enemy?

Start from the beginning

Saturn: I was settling in & made a well underground house for the time being, until suddenly I was attacked by some would blue dog looking creatures & giant dragons. I was about to get swarmed, I had to take on a total of 30 blue dog things & 4 giant dragons. None stood a chance. 

Noire: WOW! Neptune, Maybe you should take notes of this guy.

Neptune: N-no way! Besides, he obviously just got lucky, I'm the main protagonist here.

Noire: Yea & you just sleep, eat & play games on your daily basis when you should be working.

Neptune: That's just little old me ya should know that. And besides, I work when I want to.

Noire: Only When Histoire kicks you out of the Basilicom & locks you out.

Noire: I'm going to have to bring you in, just to confirm what you say you are. 

Saturn: Only if battles me, shall I go with you.

Noire: Are you asking to be hurt or killed? Should I show you the power of a goddess?

Saturn: Only if you wish to see my power & have me go with you. Win or lose, I will go with you to your land if you battle me.

Neptune: Whoa! Hold up, can't we just go there & settle it peacefully?

Saturn: Very noble of you to make a positive suggestion... however I cannot go without a proper battle. 

Noire: *Transforms into Black Heart*.

Black Heart: *Swings sword into defense*, now let's see.

Saturn: Your power level looks adorable, but not one to force me to loosen up my guard. Let's duel!

Black Heart: *Flies quickly to Saturn, lashes sword at him*.

Saturn: *Dodges like a bullet, kicks Black Heart in the back, as well as throwing a tree down falling towards her*.

Black Heart: *Evades the tree, uses tricolor order*.

Saturn: *Grabs Black Heart's sword, he stops her tricolor order & swings her around like she was a toy by her toward*.

Black Heart: N-not even a wound on him..... is? Is he cheating?

Neptune: *Transforms into Purple Heart*.

Purple Heart: Need a hand?

Black Heart: You always pick the worst time to help out. 

Purple Heart: At least, I'm not late.

Saturn: You wish to join? Very well, you may see my power is unstopped.

Purple Heart: We shall see about that. *Lunges forward, uses her sword to slice Saturn*.

Saturn: *Quickly evades & is immediately behind Purple Heart* you see, I can overcome any god or goddess, *hits Purple Heart on her head & she gets thrown into the ground*.

Black Heart: *Throws her sword & uses lace ribbon attack*. This is it!

Saturn: *Gets attacked & flown into the air, gets smashed into the ground by Black Heart's feet*. 

Black Heart: Is that it?

Purple Heart: I hope so.

Saturn: *Easily gets up from the ground, scrapes the dirt off of his shoulder cape & shrugs the injuries off*, felt good... for my armor, I'll say that for sure. I can still go, I don't even have a single scratch. 

Restart.... Saturn meets NeptuniaWhere stories live. Discover now