'hey...'he tilt your head upward as he looks to you, you feel your eyes lose at Jungkook doe eyes,' hey... you don't have to worry alright?' he wipe the tear in your face,' I'm still here and I promise not to leave you, you could always run back to me alright I'll protect you.'

You smile and nodded,' you don't have to worry about Hoseok hyung, in case you forgot or you don't know Artemis, my mother, and Hoseok hyungs father is technically twins so me and hyung are kinda brothers and I trust hyung enough not to tell and he knows about you being human, every god and goddess have a stamp print. You send one without any so Hoseok knew something was up.'

'Oh...' you were wiping your face with your hands.

'I'm sorry this must have been a little bit too much for a human can handle, I didn't realize it could not just effect you physical but also mental health.' He waves his hand and a chair suddenly floats to the both of you. He took your hands and led you to sit while you try to compose yourself. You're not usually this emotional but you feel like you could cry a river. Jungkook toke his hands as his cheeks also flush before rubbing his nape.

'Here... please don't cry alright, it hurts my heart knowing your crying,' as those words hit your ears you could feel yourself getting a little flustrated over his mini confession, you didn't realize that your cheeks are getting redder. The both of you stayed in each other eyes, those captivating eyes, but you couldn't like a demigod your worlds are different, as you tear your eyes away he also look away before they heard a voice.

'Jungkook! Bring those herbs you gave hyung with, I think it might work faster!' you both hear Hoseoks voice.

'Coming hyung!' he stood up before he looks back you and start to fumble his tunic and pulled out a handkerchief and he thrust his hands forward and put the little satin in your hands and he took off to his hyungs request.

You looked at the handkerchief and smile.

J.J.K was imbedded in the little satin. Cute, you thought


You were now taking turn on taking care of Yoongi as Jungkook and Hoseok were out to get so more of the herbs that Jungkook use on Yoongi, so you were put in charge.

It's been 20 minutes since Hoseok and Jungkook decide to leave you here with Yoongi going to his second day of not waking. Guilt was sure eating you up since you were kind of the main reason why the man is lying in beside you right now.

But you were kind of relief to see Yoongi isn't as pale as you and Jungkook brought; His still pale but not as white as snow.

You decide to come closer to see Yoongi when you realize that his hands twitch. Your eyes widen and got closer to see if he was waking up.

'Yoongi are you waking up?' you look closer.

But apparently time was never on your side and you let out those words Yoongis eyes open and quickly he sat up accidentally bumping your back, you didn't realize the force and you went tumbling backward. As you groan Yoongi was trying to remove the blankets but his attempt fail as he start to grunt because his wounds were only half heal.

'Yoongi stop! Your wound are only half healed, the boys; Jungkook and Hoseok are coming back.' You try to stand up and walk over to Yoongi stopping him from moving too much and reopening his words.

And I thought demigods was supposed to heal fast, you thought

'Help me up, I've got see the boys,' he was so stubborn so with your figure you struggled to held him down.

For a short guy he really good at putting up a fight, you rolled your eyes as you see the tiny man struggling to get up.

'Alright! Just be careful I'll help you, don't open your wounds,' you helped him

'For a small human you sure a loud,' he snicker

'And for a short demigod you are heavy,' you grunt helping him up as he has one of hand sling over your shoulder.

'If I'm short human, then your tiny,' he rolls his eyes,' I'm not that short.'

'Says,' as you help him,' you... Yoongs between you and Hoseok and Jungkook you sure are short.'

'Shut up, how dare you,' Yoongi seriously has a bad temper. He tries to pry his hands off, but as you lost your balance, you clumsy self fell.

You were waiting for the impact of the floor but for the second time of your life you felt a pair of arms had warp itself to your figure as you tumbled down and for the time in your life.

You feel a warm feeling has engulf your lips, you panic as to whose pair of lips has letch itself to you as you open your eyes you see that.

Yoongis eyes found it enlarge as he stare at his lips attach to the other being.

What an accident.

You detached yourself from Yoongi as he let of his grasp. As you realize your figure had landed in Yoongi as he grunt and took both of your body weight. You sat up cheeks red since you didn't know how to handle this situation.

This is bad, you thought, you felt your heartbeat increase after the 'kiss'. You thought how his soft lips landed in yours, heats arise in your cheeks, and you feel like digging up a hole right now and disappear. You were really considering to run away

But how time is really bringing bad luck to the household as you realize a figure was standing outside the door. Praying that whoever was standing did not see what happened.

'Y/n I didn't know what you like so I got you so hone- oh...' Jungkook came rushing the door to look at Hoseok standing over the door looking at the two figure sprawl over the floor.

Hoseoks eyes were wondering on both figure who magically sprawl all over the floor.

'Yoongi hyung! You're alright and Y/n- wait why are you both on the floor,' pointing on the obvious situation, Hoseok clears his throat.

'Yoongi hyung here was missing something and I heard y/n was helping him,' Hoseok conjure up a lie as he looks at the both of you. He looks and Jungkook attaching his smile at the younger brother,' Kook, why don't you and y/n go to the kitchen, the honey embrose will not be as good as hyung told you.' He said softly as he signals the both of you to move your ass and get going. You immediately stood up.

'Oh... alright after you're down come downstairs hyung,' he looks at the suspicious scene.

'Alright kook'

' Come one y/n you'll love this embrose we got you,' Jungkook was busy rambling about the embrose as you were drag by the maknae and you got a glimpse of Yoongi watching you.

As the two went down, Hoseok look at his hyung that has eyes on the disappearing figure.

'Yoongi you better tell me what the hell happened,' Hoseok ask his hyung.

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