Chapter 4 : Little thief

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Arthur had managed to steal two iron daggers, and was about to take a bow from a sleeping stranger when a hand caught his neck and pulled him backwards. An automatic scream formed in his throat as a hand covered his mouth.

"Shush!" Mélie whispered.

She let him go and flattened herself on the wall. Arthur joined her.

"What? Don't you want to have a bow?"

"No, it's too big to carry." His sister answered.

Arthur wanted to tell her how important a bow could be, but Mélie talked again before he did.

"I think we're good to go now."

She opened her leather bag and showed him what she had : four apples, one piece of raw meat, a dead chicken, some radishes and few hooks to open locks.

"Whoa, nice job!" He said in a low voice.

"I know." She paused. "You know what? Get that bow and meet me at our house. I have a last thing to get."

Then she disappeared in the shadows towards the market.
Arthur sighed deeply. He turned back to his work and took some arrows with him before he headed for the market as well.
Arthur saw Mélie sneaking in what seemed to be an alchemist's chariot.
Two men were standing in front of it, chatting innocently.

Arthur could shoot them so easily... He had always been incredible with a bow. Even Mélie had been surprised to see how good he was at aiming.

The presence of the weapon in his back felt reassuring. He could defend himself pretty good without anything, but a bow would be welcomed in a fight.

Arthur turned away and started walking slowly to his house. He wasn't worrying about his sister. She could fight. And anyways if she found out he was looking after her she would feel offended. And it wasn't like she needed help anyways. She was way more tough than him.

When their father was beating on them, Arthur would be the one whimpering and she would be the one ignoring the pain. They were twins, but no the same in everything.

Arthur stopped in front of the door. He was looking for somewhere to hide his bow and daggers. His father would not welcome him inside if he had any kind of weapon.

Finally, Arthur found a barrel behind the house and put his stuff in it. Which was : two daggers, a bow, some arrows, black clothes and a rope.

He went back around the house and entered.
He immediately realised he should have stayed outside.

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