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When your family moved to New York, you didn't really know what to expect. But if one thing is for sure, you didn't expect what came next.

"Y/N! Y/N!" You hear your name. Pausing your walk to the public library, you turn behind you to see who was calling after you.

"Oh Peter, nice to see you." You smile politely at him. Peter was in a couple of the same classes as you in school. "Can I help you with something?"

"I uh just was wondering if um you were free to study for the upcoming science test this afternoon?" He asks with a light blush dusting his cheeks. He was always a seeming shy yet kind person. You've probably only him for a month or so but you wanted him to be your friend.

"Sure, I'm not too busy." You smile at him and watch at his face lights up with excitement. "I was heading towards the library is that a good place to study?"

"Yeah that works perfect!" He begins walking next to you, and making small talk for the rest of the way.

Once you and him made it there he lead you towards a small table near the very back of the building. It was almost hidden behind the many rows of books. Being the nice boy that he is, Peter moves ahead of you to pull a chair out for you to sit in.

"Thank you." You smile sweetly at him. Another burst of pink spreads on his cheeks.

"Oh its n-no problem." He stutters out rubbing the back of his neck as he sits in the seat next to you.

You take out your notes for science class and watch as Peter does the same. But the more you think about it Peter was one of the smartest kids in that class, why would he need to study?

"Peter, do you actually need to study?" You ask raising and eyebrow at him. As the words leave your mouth he visibly tenses up and begins stuttering a response.

"I uh, yeah, but um no not really." He eventually gets out. "But I thought maybe you could use some help." He smiles meekly. You laugh at his behavior and smile at him.

"Well thank you for thinking of me, but I already know all the material pretty well."

"Oh...if you wanna go home then, I understand." His voice was soft as he looked at the ground.

"Who said anything about going home?"

You spent the rest of the afternoon in the library with Peter. You talked about everything under the sun. Funny stories, conspiracies, school gossip, movies, superheroes and so much more. But definitely no studying.

At the end of the day as the sun was starting to set, Peter offered to walk you home. Since it was better than walking alone you took him up on the offer. Once you got to the front of your appartment building, you turned to look at him face to face.

"Thank you for walking me home, you didn't have to do that."

"Oh It was no trouble at all." Now that you've spent some time together he stuttered a lot less.

At this point the sun was completely down and the moon was taking its place in the sky. The pale moonlight illuminated the world around you and gave everything a peaceful aura.

"I had a great time with you. I really hope we can be friends." You look up at him, with a half smile played on your lips.

"I'd like that a lot." With the moon on him a pink tint is clear on his face.

"Good night Peter, see you tomorrow." You wave as you begin walking to the front door.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Once you pass the entryway you turn to wave at him one last time. He returns the wave then begins to walk into the night.

Just Listen {Yandere! Peter Parker x reader} Where stories live. Discover now