Sonic x Shadow

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On my Message Board but I'll go into more detail.
  This ship would be extremely interesting, especially because of the rivalry.

  Sonic and Shadow are opposites, but in a rilvary that has room to grow. Both have very strong personalities and could influence one another.

  Their relationship would have a bit of competition between one another and they would be extremely interesting to watch.

If Shadow were to influence Sonic, Sonic could become a quieter person as Shadow would dominate him. This risks the relationship becoming abusive and having Shadow be the abuser.

  But, if Sonic were to influence Shadow, Shadow would become more extroverted. He could become more kindhearted and forgiving, losing his cold shell.

  The relationship can go either way. And it couldn't just be abusive. If Shadow were to manipulate Sonic, he could change Sonic's entire personality to make Sonic more cold and unfeeling to anyone except Shadow himself. Sonic would end up isolating himself by picking up Shadows bad habits.

  This relationship is risky in the way that if Sonic isn't strong enough to change Shadow for the better, he could be consumed by Shadow's dominance easily.

  It's basicly like standing over a teater. If both don't walk to the center equally, then They will fall. They have to compromise, and that involves Sonic's kind personality to effect Shadow's enough to make him compromise.

  As a couple they would be more competitive. Most fights would be started because Shadow didn't understand, and end with Sonic forgiving him. This relationship could work for years or fail immediately.

  They could become an old couple who compete with each other over card games and cooking.

  Or the love could burn out from miscommunication, or abuse.

  It's rilvary till the end either way, and thays what make this ship so risky and interesting.


  Don't remember what I wrote before. Oh well. New analysis.

Love you ~ 😙

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