Evil Dread Part 1

Start from the beginning

(Cut to yesterday, Courtney has Brick's arm bent painfully against his back, Brick hollering in pain)

Courtney: there is NO WAY I'm letting YOU be team captain!!!

Brick: (In pain) ma'am, if you will just try to be reasonable and allow me to expl- (Courtney bends his arm harder) MERCY!!!!

Courtney: I DON'T DO REASONABLE!!!!! How do you think I won all those lawsuits?!

(Cut back to the present, Brick rubs his arm awkwardly)

Brick: that girl has an iron grip! But luckily, when she couldn't break me, we... well mostly I, agreed we'd be co-captains! She takes charge of the other girls, and I'm in charge of team men!

Owen: WHOO-HOO! A DUDE'S TEAM!!! I love it!! It's so MANLY!! (Chuckles, then pulls all three of them into a bear hug and kisses them on the cheeks. Realizes what he did and slaps himself on the face)

Chef: (From right outside the cabin door) YO! UP AND AT'EM, MAGGOTS! PIPIN' HOT BREAKFAST SERVED IN YO FACE!!! (Suddenly a bucket of gruel was tossed at the three of them)

Brick: we're taking fire!! Incoming!! (But too late, the gruel completely covers the four of them)

Chef: (Peers inside chuckling) eat up, suckas! (cackles and scoots away)

Mike: (Gets some gruel on his finger) eew, Sam was right last season, there IS a reason why gruel rhymes with cruel!

Cameron: (Examines gruel) I'm not even sure this is fit for human consumption.

Brick: (Chowing down) maybe not, but anything to get our stomachs ready for another challenge. (Notices Owen eating the gruel no problem) now THAT'S the spirit! You could all learn a lot from Owen over there!

Owen: (Eating delightfully) mmmm, grulley. (Notices Mike and Cam not eating their pieces of gruel) ooh, you guys gonna finish that?

(Cameron and Mike smile at each other)

Mike: uh, nope. All yours buddy!

Cameron: wouldn't dream of it, Owen.

Owen: daaawww! (Takes huge clump of gruel) you guys are the best! (Chomps the clump down, while the three others look freaked out)

(Confessional: Brick)

Brick: (Teary-eyed) now THERE'S a real soldier! (Sniffs tearfully)

(Confessional: Mike)

Mike: Owen is really cool. He's super friendly and he's good for when Chef serves us cruel gruel. (Chuckles) I mean ok yes he's quirky but who am I to judge? (Gasps, turns into Chester) eh, dang kids nowadays! Back in my day kids were so skinny they had to be nailed down just so they wouldn't blow away in the wind!

(Confessional: Owen)

Owen: aww, all the new dudes are so nice to me! I mean they gave me all this delicious gruel for NO REASON! (Chuckles, then feels forehead, still looking pasty) ooh, which I might need because I'm feeling a quart low for some reason.... Maybe those vampire Izzy dreams are more real than I thought!

(Confessional Ends)

(The bloated mosquito sloshing, it smashes through the boys' window and flies past the girls' side, we pan in on the girl's cabin; with Zoey on the top and Courtney on the bottom bunks of one bed, and Dawn on the top and Sierra on the bottom bunks of the other, are sleeping peacefully.  A sudden flash from Sierra's Smartphone makes Courtney bolt up; awake) 

Courtney: (Screams) what the heck?!

Zoey: (From the top bunk) Courtney? What's wrong?

Courtney: What's wrong is we're sharing a cabin with a super fan with a bad case of crazy! (Sierra is tapping away at her Smartphone)

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