Planning A Wedding

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Lili Pov

Cole is coming over to my apartment to help plan the wedding. We thought if we wanted a wedding that we will have it how we like it. There was a knock on my door. I open it to reveal Cole. 

Cole Hi Lili. 

Lili: Hello Cole you're ready for wedding planning. 

Cole: As I'll ever be. 

We sit on my couch and look throw tunes of wedding books or websites.

Cole; How about a forset wedding? 

Betty: Yes magical. 

Cole; At night 

Betty: With fairy lights everywhere. 

Cole:  White chairs. 

Both: It's perfect.

We ordered everything. Even set the venue. 

Cole: Ready to try some treat. 

Lili: Yep 

-Hours later-

Lili: I just need the dress

Cole: I just need the tucks. 

--Cole Pov-

Today I'm getting my suite. 

Dylan: I know you do not want this but I think you should get her a wedding ring. 

Cole: I guess your right. We have to be together for the rest of our lives she should be able to experience would happen if she married someone she loved.

Dylan: You loved each other once. 

Cole; Sometimes I feel like I still love her. 

Dylan: Really.

'Cole: We where Bestfriends then we where lovers, she hated me. 

Dylan: You can't blame her you cheated on her with her bully. 

Cole: I was drunk then I was tired of wait for her. 

Dylan: You guys were four years apart Cole. 

Cole: I know I was so stupid. Now I'm a man. I hope I can give her all the love in the world. 

Dylan: I'm glad man 

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