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This book will contain sensitive content like abuse, angst, etc. This is a Sally Face fanfic! It will have topics from Sally face. I will try my best to put trigger warnings before anything potentially triggering. If you think I should add a trigger warning to a certain point, please leave a comment and I'll get to adding one as fast as possible.

(Travis P.O.V)
I was heading to school, my head was killing me. I had already been stuck with a giant headache for the past few days, yet my father probably added a week onto the pain by beating me last night. Something about sinning? My memory is awfully foggy. Anyone's would be after being repetitively hit with a Bible, which ironically did not knock out my impurities. There was a purple-ish bruise forming around my left eye and a couple of scratches on the right side of my lip, and if I recall, there was an older bruise turning a yellow-ish color on my right cheek. I tried my best to cover the unattractive marks with concealer, but gave up. Mostly because boys aren't meant to wear makeup, or at least that's what 'Pastor Phelps' says! And whatever he says goes, or like, whatever... I wasn't able to find the right shade anyways.
(A/N): It seems as if many people aren't understanding this comment. It's intended to be a jab at the cosmetic industry for not creating a variety of shades for darker skinned individuals.

As soon as I stepped into the building, I saw the 3 people I hated most. Ashley, Larry, and finally, Sal Fisher. It was Sal, or 'Sally face' as everyone called him. It's a stupid nickname for a guy using a piece of plastic to cover up his LACK of face. I couldn't waste my time on Sal's little group this morning, I was already about to be late because of the foundation problem and I just couldn't be tardy again... I speed walk over to my class, trying not to trip over my foot. It was a pain to deal with, but nobody really noticed since the limping in it was subtle.
(A/N: Also cause you have no friends 😐)
This was due to my dad pushing me to the floor and my ankle conveniently getting stuck underneath the leg of the sofa. Next time I'm late to class and he tries to say shit about it, I'll look him right in the face and say "It's YOUR fault!" and then everyone will clap and- What the fuck? Right as I passed by Sally, I could see his eyes following me through his mask. I harshly glared at him and decided to pick up the pace, which obviously wasn't helping my leg.

As I sat down in my usual seat in math class, the bell rang. Skimming the classroom, I felt something was missing. I looked a couple of rows behind me and noticed there were no obnoxiously blue pigtails sitting in the seat. "Damn it..." I felt slightly dissapointed. In that moment I caught myself in my thoughts, "What are you thinking, Travis? Why do you even care about a fag like him?" Interrupting my completely reasonable thoughts, the teacher strolled into the classroom and began taking attendance.

After a few names she called mine. "Present.." I spoke quietly, glancing down at my desk. "Sal Fisher?" The teacher asked. There was no reply for a brief moment, the room was silent and aggressive footsteps could be heard, getting louder, until the door swung open. The dumbass was panting in place, making a grand entrance. "PRESENT!!" He yelled in a panic as he tiredly walked to his seat. "You're late." "I was 4 SECONDS OFF! Whatever, it won't happen again." Sally said, genuinely apologetic. He was like a goody-too-shoes but... less good. Yes, less good, more gay. UGH, Why am I non-stop thinking about this idiot today, it's ruining my day. Whatever, It wouldn't even matter if he was late again." I thought "He's a genius in math. He could miss 20 classes and still get a straight A+ on a quiz."

As usual, I tuned out the teacher's groggy voice and let my thoughts consume me, that was until I was snapped back into reality with somebody calling my name. "Travis, stay here after class. Sal, you as well." The teacher announced to us, but she spoke so loud that she might as well have asked the entire class to stay behind. "Did I seriously let myself space out for an hour..?" I was almost annoyed with myself until I remembered, it wouldn't matter, I was still terrible at math. I can't understand a thing that woman puts on the board. Everyone stood up and left, acting as if they were in a hurry. Sal was staring down at his desk, as if afraid what was going to happen next. Or maybe because I would be the only other place he could stare the moment he looked up.

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