Blood stains

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He looked so weird. Scary even.

Because of the bloodstains on his shirt and the cuts on his face. He looked horrible, like he was a hot mess.

"What happened to you?" I asked in a shaky voice as I still directed the flashlight to his face. My hand also had a shake a bit from the sight of him. It was dreadful seeing him like that.

"I got into a bar fight and I went here to see you." He said.

"See me? What about your dead girlfriend, huh?" I said in a high voice.

"She's dead. There's no use in seeing her anymore." He had said in a low and serious tone.

Luke has always been an honest person. He never lied. Except for the time I asked him to lie, I mean, it was because I did something wrong because I didn't want Hanna to find out.

"Let's get you cleaned up," I just said as he nodded. We walked to the bathroom as I switched on the lights in every room we'd passed.

I was just really scared ever since she killed herself.

I felt like someone was out there watching me.

"Sit." I said to him as he followed my instructions and sat on the counter of the bathroom.

I ran over to my sister's old bedroom; Luke used to keep some of his clothes here because he'd visit Hanna and he'd need clothes.

Hanna's room was still as she last used it. It was messy and her scent was still present.

She also killed herself here.

I wasn't even scared of going inside. Because she was my sister and she was dead. And I never believed that a dead person could possibly go back into living.

Afterlife is just another thing a person imagines.

I grabbed a random shirt and a pair of pants in the closet they kept it in.

I knew where because I'd do the laundry when Hanna was alive.

I got out of the room as I locked the door. And I went to the bathroom to see Luke there staring at the bathroom walls.

"Luke." I said as he looked at me.

I got the first aid kit in the cabinet of the bathroom.

I got the plaster, cotton and alcohol.

"This is gonna hurt." I said as I applied the alcohol on the cotton and I dabbed it on his wounds.

He winced as I applied the alcohol. But then he just closed his eyes and he went with it.

After his cuts were cleaned up, I put the plater on his cuts.

"You better change your clothes," I instructed him as I left the bathroom to give him space.

"Hey, Lana," He started as I began to walk away, but since he'd called my name, I turned around to face him.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Thank you." He said as I felt my stomach churn.

"No problem." I said as I continued my exit.

I went back to my room to continue watching whatever I turned on the television for.

"Hey, Lana, Can I crash?" Luke said five minutes after I got to my room.

"Sure." I said as the blonde boy disappeared and I drifted off to sleep.

It was odd seeing Luke. Ad that he knew about Hanna's death even though he wasn't present for quite a while.

But who was I to be suspicious, Luke was a fairly great person. And I was just a girl who had nobody to consider family anymore.




Hello there!

So anyway, basically the cast is:

5sos - as themselves

Gabriella Wilde - as Lana Grace

Elle Fanning - as Hanna Grace

Ghost // Luke Hemmings & 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now