Chapter 7

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They landed near Karnak's ruins, Rick and Ardeth head to the train while Eve and Lilly explored the ruins for any clues. They came upon a different section of the ruins, Eve saw Alex's tie, "RICK!" the two sister ran up to the statue that held the tie, as Evy grabbed it Lilly noticed a little sandcastle, she smiled and nudge Evy on her shoulder as the boys came running up behind them, gun ready to shoot if needed, Evy "Alex left us his tie." Lilly as she squatted to the floor, "And he left us a little sandcastle." Evy, "It's the Temple Island of Philae. They've gone to Philae." Rick, "That-a-boy, Alex. Come on!" they took off back to the dirigible to head to Philae.

It took them a day or two to get to the Temple Island of Philae to get their next clue of where to go, they got to the island and started looking for another piece of Alex's clothes. They found his jacket to reveal, Evy, "The great temple of Abu Simble." They took off to their next destination. It was a matter of days before they arrived in a canyon of sorts as the blue nile flowed under them, as they looked over the edge Rick said, "That's the Blue Nile down there. We must be out of Egypt by now." Evy, "In ancient times all this still belonged to the upper kingdom. The oasis must be around here somewhere." Lilly "Imhotep...used to bring Senna here...they came her to act like kids without the responsibilities. To think that they have been so close yet so far from Ahm Shere." Evy rested her hand on her sister's shoulder in comfort.

Lilly smiled at her sister and grabbed her hand squeezing it comfort, "I'm fine Evy really. It's just these bits and pieces of memories that are Senna. She had deep feelings for Imhotep...when she was going to confess to Imhotep he confessed to her that he and Anck-su-namun were deeply in love. So she settled for staying with him as his best friend, nothing more even though it broke her heart seeing them together." unknown to her and the others, Imhotep saw them continue into the canyon completely missing and passing Imhotep and the others.

Imhotep walked into the water till he was waist deep, meanwhile behind a rock Alex was making the last sandcastle of where to go till it was destroyed by Lock-nah, "Surprised to see me?" he roughly picked up a startled Alex and started to shake him, "Leaving bread crumbs, huh? Huh?" Imhotep, "Lock-Nah! Put the boy down." the look Imhotep gave him promised pain if he did not do as he was told. Lock-Nah gently put Alex down as he kept his eye contact with Imhotep.

Once Alex feet were on the ground Imhotep spoke to him, "I hope your parents enjoyed their journey, your aunt will be joining us soon." he looked back at the canyon and raised his arms gathering his powers and roared as the water was lifted up to create a wall of water and sent it after the small family in the flying boat.

With the family they kept their eyes open looking for any openings in the canyon for the oasis of Ahm Shere, as Izzy steered the boat he heard a sound behind them and looked, to see the wall of water. In front of their very eyes Imhotep face was formed in the water, Lilly ran to Izzy side looking at the wall of water till she looked at Izzy and said, "I hope you have a speed booster on this thing." Ardeth, "Horace, fly!" Rick watched where Horace went as they others watched the body of water, Rick looked at Izzy and yelled, catching Izzy attention, "Izzy, come hard right! Starboard! Starboard!" just then the body of water made a watery growl and come at them with the intention to swallow them whole and drown them.

Izzy flicked a lever giving them a boost in speed causing Lilly to jerk forward and off the side of the dirigible, hanging onto the rope for dear life, Asim notice his owner in danger and started to make panic nosies and was pacing on the small boat. As Izzy drove the dirigible out of danger water fell upon them, she could not keep her grip and screamed as she fell, the water wall swallowing her whole covering her screams, Asim back up and jumped after his owner into the wall of water, he saw his own slam against a wall and blood spill from her head, he swam to his own in the raging water, till finally he got to his owner.

Asim was able to get his owner on his back, in a matter of seconds the water around him and his owner fell apart he started to rapidly breath out his nose to get the water, he then heard a familiar voice, "Asim!?" he looked in the direction of the voice to see the little human boy. Asim stood where he was as Alex ran up to him, Asim slowly laid on the floor.

Alex got to Asim and hugged his neck as he started to cry, Alex then notice the person on Asim back, "Aunt Lilly!?" he went to Lilly side and gently took Lilly off Asim back and laid her down on the slowly rising water, as Lilly hair spread around her like a halo he also noticed the blood coming out of her head. He took out his handkerchief and put it against her bleeding head, Asim then stood up and started neighing while raising his front legs and kicking them in front of him. Imhotep stood where he was as the horse showed hostility towards him not letting him near the boy or Senna reincarnation, Alex looked at Asim, "Asim let him come closer, out of all the people here, he is the only one I trust to help Aunt Lilly." Asim walked up to Imhotep and made the typical horse noise then walked next to Alex and laid down keeping a close eye on his owner.

Imhotep walked up to them and carefully picked up Senna reincarnation, as he held her he took her to the others. As he set her down Alex and Asim watched his every move as he began to clean up Lilly wound, then Anck-su-namun enter and said, "Rest Imhotep, I'll finish with Senna wounds." Imhotep nodded, trusting the love of his life. Lock-Nah then came in and roughly grabbed Alex, Alex started to struggle and screaming 'No! Let me go! I don't want to leave Aunt Lilly alone!" Lilly started to wake up at the sound of the comotion she woke up just to see Lock-Nah hit Alex. She saw red and got up and punched him, he stumbled back as she knee him in the gut, he bent forward as she back kicked him, he laid on the floor in pain as she climbed in top of him and started to hit his face while cursing him in ancient egyptian.

Anck-su-namun smirked as she saw her plan was coming together, she never liked Senna, it was one of the reasons that she started to pursue Imhotep the other reason for the power that Imhotep had. She had Imhotep wrapped around her little pinky and he would do absolutely anything for her, except Senna held just a bit more power over him than she did, Anck-su-namun knew of the love Senna held for Imhotep, she could not let the powers or a strong man that was meant to rule the world be with Senna when he could have Anck-su-namun as his queen.

Just then Imhotep came into view as he heard the commotion, he pulled Senna/Lilly off Lock-Nah, he looked at Anck-su-namun and demanded, "What is going on here!" Anck-su-namun, "She just woke up and started attacking Lock-Nah for no good reason. She's not well Imhotep." Senna/Lilly glared at her, "That's a lie!" Imhotep, "For what reason would the love of my life have to lie to me Senna." Senna/Lilly got out of his grip and turned to face him, "Oh I don't know how about the fact that if she was willing to betray and kill the Pharaoh for one. If she could do that to him, a man, a Pharaoh who could have made her queen of egypt then who's to say she won't do the same to you. On top of that how do you explain the forming bruise on my nephew face!" Anck-su-namun face was blank as Imhotep looked between the two girls.

Lilly grabbed her nephew and started to walk away from the group to see Lock-Nah pointing a rifle at a falcon, she let go of Alex hand, "No!" she pushed the gun away just as he fired, Horace let out a pained screech and fell down to the earth, she reached out in the direction Horac fell screaming the falcon name, "Horace!" she looked at her horse, "Asim, find Horace and take him to Ardeth." Asim nodded his head and took off jumping over the men down into the oasis.

Lock-Nah grabbed her by the hair and held his sword at her neck, "I'll enjoy killing you in front of the brat." just as he was about to bring his blade across her neck it flew away.

Both looked up to see Imhotep arm in the air in their direction, Imhotep gave Lock-Nah a look, "Lock-Nah I would not do that, she and the boy are our hostage." Lock-Nah glared at Lilly and shoved her away while eyeing her body. Imhotep looked at Lilly, "Rest Senna we'll be traveling to the temple of Ahm Shere, tomorrow the scorpion king awakens." with that he walked away. As Alex ran up to his aunt and hugged her as tight as his little 8 year old body could as he cried into her chest. Lilly hugged him just as tight as she ran her fingers through his hair humming a lullaby that was all no familiar to Imhotep.

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