We reached Mason and I paused him for a moment for an introduction. “Mason, this is Prince George Lutherford of the Alexandria Province, my first cousin.”

George nodded and extended a hand as a friendly gesture. “The pleasure it is to meet a very close companion of Vincent’s! The bond you two have must be unbreakable.”

Mason looked taken aback by the formality of his words as he shook his hand. “Prince George, it is an honor to meet you and thank you.”

“Why don’t we move this conversation over to a table? My stomach feels like it’s trying to pry out of my stomach and devour my plate itself.”


“And then I told Grandmother, ‘No, you’re supposed to hit the red button, not the white button!’”

We began to laugh along with George as he told us about his escapades teaching Grandma on how to work the vintage games in the Arcade in the Palace. It was apparent that she wasn’t going get a high score on Pac-Man.

Octavian and Jason had joined us a couple of minutes after we sat down at a table in the corner of the room. The rest of the crowd was as live as ever, dancing to the upbeat music of the band that was playing. Silverscreen Nightmares was what they were called, an alternative band that produced catchy songs and unforgettable ballads. They were singing their newest hit Incomprehensible Equations which expressed their hatred for the higher mathematical subjects. I could really relate.

When a classical waltz came onto the stereo as the band stepped down for a break, Octavian stood and offered me his hand, a smile plastered on his face. “Will you take up the opportunity to dance with me, Vince?”

“O-oh, I don’t know, I’m not really-“

“Oh come on, I’ll teach you.”

“Like what happened last time!”

“Oh, that was just an accident. Come on.” He grasped my palm and dragged me over to the dance floor; I had to hold up my crown in place as he took me towards the center so that it wouldn’t fall off. Who in the world knows what people would think if the crown suddenly fell and shattered onto the floor?

With a swift twirl, I became firmly pressed against Octavian’s herculean form with his arm snaked around my waist while our hands grasped each other leveling at our eyes. We began taking steps around the vacant dance floor since we were the first couple to come about. Not that we were a couple. I meant that we were partners in dancing.

“I’m practically praying right now to not step on your feet or trip.”

Octavian chuckled as his arm slithered further more around the small of my back, closing the remaining distance between us as we continued to move around the room as other couples joined in the waltz. We gracefully moved along the floor as the lights were focused center stage on the dancers as the music began to pick up a bit. As the song concluded, Octavian twirled me outward and then used his strength to pull my back before bending me backward onto his arm while both his hands held me for support, finishing out dance.

The audience applauded with glee as the dancers patted themselves on the shoulder for a good show, and Octavian escorted me back to the table. I took notice that Jason and George were absent.

“Mase, where’s George and Jason?”

“I have no idea,” he said calmly. “They said they were going out around the garden to catch up on things.”

I nodded before I realized that I hadn’t introduced these two; I’m so rude. “I’m so rude, I haven’t introduced you guys. Mason, this is Prince Octavian Tempest of Whitewood. Octavian, meet Mason Crawford, my one true best friend.”

A Dance of Princes (The Heir, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now