the greek gods child||3

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"My brother wanted me to give this to you." I looked at him confused. "Get to class before your late." I nodded and put the note in my pocket. I walked out and turned right heading to my math class. "What'd he want?" I came to a stop in the hall way seeing the girl from earlier. "He wanted to give me a few papers. Is it that important to know?" She rolled her eyes at me. "You may be pregnant but you won't be forever. I suggest you watch what you say."

I rolled my eyes. "so now you bully pregnant woman? How low can you get?" Her jaw tightened. I wasn't gonna tolerate this. Especially from a little kid. "Just watch it." I shed by her and her 'friends' I walked in the room taking the only available seat. I opened my books. Grabbing the paper that Jackie gave me I opened it..


I have some explaining to do I know. For me leaving you I am very sorry. I understand your pregnant.. 4 months now.. funny how time passes by yea? I have a rare explanation as to why I left. Don't worry. I will explain. My real name is not heath but its Poseidon. You may laugh at this or not even believe me.. but you have to trust me when I tell you. I'm working very hard on you coming here so I could see you.. and our son. I need to. You don't know how much it pains me to see you everyday struggle. To see you think about me. I think of you every day and every night. Every minute is spent on you. Everything I do I do for you. I'm sorry I can't be there, but I will be soon. Just know.. every time your around water i am with you. Inside your heart. Just remember lallam.. go to the shores for love.


I folded the paper back. Tears streaming down my face. "Lallam? Are you OK?" I whipped the tears away and nodded. "Yes. Sorry." The teacher smiled at me. "Attention whore.." someone murmered from the class. I stood up. "Excuse me? You want to call ME an attention whore? Excuse me while my 4 month old grows inside of me and kicks me ever waking hour! You be in my shoes!" I eyed the guy who called me that. He looked down at the desk. "Lallam why dont you go to the nurses office and lay down for a bit? I'll send someone yo give you your assignments." I nodded and grabbed my bag. Walking out of the class room I rounded the corner. I walked into the nurses office. Laying down on the couch I drifted off...

Heath's POV..

I watched as she read my note. Hot tears ran down her face as she folded it back up putting it in her pocket. I felt my world crumble down. I slammed my fists down. Feeling the waves push against my heart. I let my frustration out.. the water surrounded my head. I pushed it back. "Brother." Liam walked to me and out a hand on my shoulder. "Not a great time." He removed his hand.

"Its never a good time with you is it?" I looked at him. Why should he care.. hes the only thing standing between me and lallam.. my sweet sweet angel lallam.. even her name sounds heavenly.. "not when she's not here.." I looked back at the ocean. Her beautiful smile entered my mind. The waves began calming down.. I sighed. Feeling the empty feeling come back.

"Do you love her?" He asked from no where. I stood up. "She is pregnant with my child. MY child. My blood runs through his veins. My power is in him.. I feel him every time he moves. And every time he hurts her.. I feel her pain.. of course I love her.." he crossed his arms. "Then let her go.."

Anger boiled through me. LET HER GO!? "How!? How when she is down there carrying a Greek god!? How when that poor ancient girl has MY genes inside her!? How when sh-" he held his hand up and sighed. "I'm suspending you.. " I curled my fists up. "No." He unfolded his arms and walked toward me.

"No? HAHA that's funny. You have no say in this!?" He threw his head back in laughter. "I never asked for this.. none of us did.. do you think Athena asked to fight and scare away every man she meets? Do you think Hercules asked to brake every woman he's touched? Why don't you go ask them how they feel. Do you know WHY our race is dying? Hey I have an idea.. why don't we go ask afroditie how she feels pushing out 6 kids at a time.. and then maybe ill accept that the fact ill never see the woman I love.."

I pushed passed him and walked down the stairs. Pushing past innocent people I walked into my room. More like prison.. I sighed and laid across my bed.. I covered my eyes and let out a scream..

"I will see you again lallam.."

The greek gods child..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora