the greek gods child||4

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Lallam's POV

After school me and Zion decided to head to an ice cream parlor. What can I say. Pregnant woman was craving some chocolate fudge Sunday. We took a spot outside and devoured our ice cream. "Look who we have here." I turned to see the girl from earlier. Her shorts road up a couple inches. Her breast was out in plain day light. "What do you need?" She walked closer. "Who's this?"

She eyed my brother. "Still whoring around?" I gritted my teeth.. "you have 5 seconds to stop eye raping my brother and leave." I stood up towering over her.. "oh yea? And what are you going to do about it?" Zion stood up.. he pushed me behind his back. "I'm saying this. 3 seconds before I call that nice police man over here and get your ass for harassing a pregnant woman. Do I make myself clear?" Her smirked faded as she walked away from us. I sat back down.. "thanks z." He smiled. After eating we headed back to our home.. laying down for a quick nap I began thinking of him..

Liam's POV

I looked around the room. Athena stood at the window. Her mind drifting off.. I looked at Hercules.. his buff arms were outstretched.. but not for a woman.. maybe what heath was saying was correct.. "liam." I turned to face my child hood friend. "Demetor." She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. "Lovely night isn't it?" I smiled and nodded. "Always." She smiled and looked behind her, her daughter testing an apple. "Isn't it about that time again?" She sighed.. and then nodded.. "how is she liam? How is my baby girl?" I sighed.. "she is pregnant demi. It seems one of us gods got out.. and.. yea.." she looked across the room to Poseidon.. I mean Heath. He looked about the sea. Lost in thought.. "he has yet to see her?" I shock my head. "Darling.. what did you do when you found out about Johnathan?" I rubbed the back of my neck.. "fine.. I'll.. go talk to him." She smiled and kissed my head. "Thank you.. tell me how my beautiful daughter is." I smiled and nodded. walking over to heath I put my hand on his shoulder. "What" he didn't look up, not budge.

"Go to her.. I grant permission for you to stay a week.." he jumped up looking at me in disbelieve.. "can.. I want to bring her here.." I sighed.."of course.."

He smiled and took off running. I have a feeling that this.. this isn't going to end well..

Lallam's POV.

I sat in class. The feeling of loneliness settled in. I looked up at Jackie. His eyes snapped to me then to the door. Suddenly it opened.. and he walked in. I felt my heart jump. I stood up and walked to him wrapping my arms around his neck. "My love.."

We pulled back as he looked into my eyes. Alex kicked everywhere. Heath seemed to notice since he put his hand on my belly. "I'm here now.." he smiled and kissed my forehead.

I ended up leaving class. Due to health reasons. Zion said he'd meet me back home. Me and heath walked around down town. Hand in hand. "Do you believe me?" I looked up at him.. I took a deep breath. "How am I supposed to? It just sounds like a bunch of myths?" He chuckled. "I can prove it.." we stopped walking.. he pointed at the ocean behind us.. "come."

We walked onto the beach. The wind blew around me making me shiver. I felt his arms around me. "Come with me.." I looked up at him. "What?" He smiled. "Come back home with me." I looked back. "I can't leave my brother.. " his smile disappeared. "Zion.. god of the mountains.. I'm sure y'all would see each other.." I looked at him in dis believe. "What?" He smiled and stepped into the sea. "Your a gods child." I shock my head.

"He's right.." I turned around to see a beautiful woman. Her long blonde hair was straight with two briads leading to the back. She wore a white robe with gold chains around her body. Her lips were perfectly pink and her eyes a light blue. She stepped closer to me taking my hand in hers. "Its been so long my child." She smiled as a small tear left her face. She looked down and saw my belly placing a hand on it. "My grandchild. Oh how the gods and goddess will be please. The blood of sea and earth will collide." She looked beyond me at heath.

His once casual clothes had turned into something else. He now wore a robe like hers.. I smiled at him. He walked closer taking me in my hands. "Please.. come back with us." I signed. Taking a deep breath I nodded. "Of course." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "Shall we?" I nodded.

We walked along the beach for a short time. We discussed of the baby name.. they thought that we should have something more traditional.

"Percy xaivior." I smiled at the name and nodded. Me and Heath walked hand in hand. Suddenly the scenery around me began changing. I looked to my left, a large roman castle sat on top of the hill. I looked around in amazement. I hears him chuckle from beside me. "I'm sorry. Its not every day you find out the father of your baby is a god. This is just.. amazing heath!" He looked at me and smiled. "And its not everyday that the child of my baby is as beautiful as the moon goddess." He smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He leaned in closer and smashed his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync. Suddenly my stomach started hurting. I pulled back and out a hand on it. "Are you OK!?" Heath put his arms around me trying to get to the castle. He picked me up and carried me the rest of the way. "get the doctor. NOW!!"

people began rushing in all different places. A man with a but of a stuble walked in looking at me. "Is she OK? What's happening." He came closer looking at my in flatted belly. "Take her there.. now." Heath nodded and walked off with me in my arms. We rounded a corner as he kicked the door opened. he laid me on the bed and paced the room. The pain increasing. I gripped the bed sheets. A sudden rip sounding. Heath rushed by my side. "Its OK baby girl.."

"What is happening!?" I felt Percy push against me. "I'm only 5 months pregnant!" He grabbed my hand and put a soft kiss on it. Then moved to my belly. The pain stopped but not all of it.. he put both of his hands on my belly and kissed it.. "is that any better?" He looked up at me in concern. I smiled and nodded my head. "Thank you.." he got back up and paced the room..the door slammed open. "I'm here.. what's going on." A woman around the age of 30 looked at me. Her eyes widening. "Poseidon! How dare you! She is an innocent girl with both genes in her body!" He shrugged. "I did not no of this when we.."

The woman scolded him.. "I thought I raised you better.." she pushed him out of the room and came by my side studying my body. "How far along are you?" I looked up at her seeing a slight resembelence with heath. "I'm supposed to be 5 months.." another wave of pain hit me.. "well child.. you are carrying a gods child. Full term is 6 months for us."

I began pushing around 6.. by 7 there was a crying baby being carried out of the room.. suddenly another pain hit.. "oh no.. there's two.." the woman came running back in grabbing my hand.. "push more!" I began pushing harder.. the pain eslorating everywhere. "ITS A GIRL!!" I laid back in pain.. I heard the door close as I closed my eyes.

"Lallam.." I felt soft hands touch my forehead. "Yes.." I opened them to see heath by my side. "We have a son.. and daughter.." I smiled as they wheeled in two cribs with baby's in both. I sat up and grabbed my daughter. "We have yet to name her.." heath said while picking Percy up.. "can it be modern earth names?" He laughed. "Yes. Anything." I thought for a moment..

"She looks like a parker.. parker Marie." Heath smiled and nodded.

We took our children and looked at them. "she has zions nose and my eyes." I said while stroking her head. "he has my eyes and my mouth." Heath chuckled and bounced percy around. The door opened and my mom and hesths mom walked in. "time for some grandma loving. My mom walked over to me and touched parkers head. "she... She is not one of us..." She stepped back and frowned. "This one will be powerful." Heaths mom said while taking percy out of hesths arms. Heath walked over to me and looked down at parker. "shes beautiful." He sat down and pulled me closer. "thank you." He said while leaning his head against mine.

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