Connor Rhodes; No One Cares!

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Y/n's POV
Tears streamed down your cheeks and you clenched your fists. You pushed the door open and slammed it shut before leaning against the wall and banging your fists against it "why does no one care?!" you sobbed as you slowly crumbled to the ground. You covered your eyes and cried violently "hey y/n?" you felt a hand be placed on your shoulder and sobs racked your body "hey... Hey what's up?" you looked up and found Natalie "n-nat no one cares anymore do they" Natalie looked confused "what do you mean?" you looked into her eyes "no one cares about me people hate me! No matter what people say or do the voices just don't go away!" you yelled frustrated "woah woah calm down y/n... What voices?" you gripped your hair "the voices in my head!" Natalie froze and just stared at you "when did they start" you shook your head "I've really got to get back to work" Natalie shook her head and placed her hand on your shoulder "no y/n you're in no state to work" you chuckled "I'm fine... I just had an episode alright?" Natalie sighed and didn't want to worsen anything so she nodded and smiled before standing up and offering you a hand "thanks" you muttered before taking her hand. She pulled you up before hugging you close "if you need anything just give me a shout" you smiled and nodded "ok, thanks nat"

As you finished cleaning the room up you heard the voices again "hey no one cares about you... Do you understand that?" tears welled up in your eyes and you tried to block the voices out "no one cares haha you're so lame" tears began to stream down your cheeks and you fell to the floor sobbing "Dr- y/n?! What happened babe?" came Connor's voice he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you up "baby what happened?" you gripped his shirt "n-no one cares... Why does no one care?!!" sobs racked your body and Connor swayed the both of you side to side whilst whispering sweet nothings into your ear "people do care-" you cut Connor off "NO THEY DON'T! DAD DOESN'T, NATALIE DOESN'T, WILL DOESN'T, APRIL DOESN'T AND YOU DONT!" you screamed finally losing it. "ok baby breathe woah woah deep breaths" Connor explained worried for you. Tears continued to drip down your cheeks and you buried your head into his shoulder "no one cares do they" Connor held you closer and kissed your forehead "where is all this coming from sweetheart?" I gripped him tightly "the voices in my head are telling me this" Connor sighed and nodded "I know you'll want to leave me... I knew this! I know you hate me that's why I never told you. I'm sorry I'm so so-" Connor cut you off by pressing his lips to your's "no baby... No" you furrowed your eyebrows "but no one actually cares...its all a lie" Connor sighed and looked into your eyes "baby... You may think this but-" you cut him off "stop it! Stop lying!" Connor sighed

"if you think no one cares about you then that's absolutely fine but I can promise you they all love you to pieces... But if you still don't believe me then believe that I will take care of you ok?" you sniffled and nodded. He cupped your face and smiled before wiping the tears off of your cheeks" I love you" he whispered kissing your lips softly.

Aww this is making me feel loved lol XD

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