9 /| late to the party

Start from the beginning

She took a step into the conference room, watching as Pierce guided Nat to the window exit. "Am I late to the party?" She questioned monotonously. She took something out of her pocket.

"Take one step," he shouted, raising the device in his hand, "and she dies."

Geneva raised her hands, almost mockingly. She chucked a Widow Bite into Natasha's hand. The red head immediately pressed it, falling to the floor as the electricity flowed through her body. Geneva and and Fury both shot the man at the same time; a force of habit really.

She scurried to an unconscious Natasha just as Fury did. "Wake up Nat." Her eyes darted to the firing helicarriers. She shook the woman.

"Ow. Those really do sting," she whispered, coming to. Geneva helped her up.

"Why didn't you use one of the Widow Bites on you?"

Natasha shrugged. "Couldn't reach."

She shook her head with a small smile. "One day I'm gonna forget what that code means and you'll be stuck."

"No you won't Gen."

She wouldn't.

Her smile fell as something dawned on her. She followed the two to the helicopter, but her eyes were focused on the Helicarriers once again. "Steve, tell me you aren't still on those things," she said into her comms. Her eyes burned with realization as no reply came. She entered the helicopter, putting on a headset. There was still no reply. "Captain do you copy? Steve?" She let out desperately.

Natasha looked at her. "I'm sure he's alright," she reassured her.

Her eyes lingered on the Helicarriers as their helicopter took off. Geneva also dared to look down at all the civilians being crushed by debris. She squeezed her eyes shut, steeling herself from the truth as she'd done many times before.

"Please, tell me you got that chopper in the air," Sam shouted into the comms, making Gen's eyes fly open.

"Sam, where are you?" Nat questioned

"41st floor, north-west corner."

"We're on it, stay where you are," Natasha said, as if they could actually find that location.

"Not an option," the man forced out. They'd made it close enough though, because seconds later Sam jumped from the building, almost falling through and through.

Geneva and Natasha both caught the man before he could fall. "41st floor. 41st," he shouted, righting himself.

"It's not like they put the floor numbers on the outside of the building," Nick sassed.

Nat reiterated Gen's earlier questions. "Hill, where's Steve? You got a location on Rogers?"

And no, she didn't.

"Well land this thing so we can look for him damn it," Geneva demanded.

She wouldn't stop until he was safely in her sight.

So much for being reasonable.


one week later

"And you'll call me if he wakes up?" She asked Sam once again, from where she stood outside waiting for a committee hearing.

"Yes Gen, now go before you give them another reason to want to arrest you," he drawled over the phone. She hung up quickly, moving inside to be sworn in. Cameras immediately began snapping as she did so. Her dark eyes met Natasha's. Neither wanted to be here today.

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