Meeting the boys and i

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so i got the inspiration from other writers and some youtube vids. Pleases don't be mad.

Sirius"Floppsy why are you making me do this"

Me"because i want to and you weren't doing anything soooooo" 

Remus" I think it's a good idea, i would love to meet your fans"

James" Moony has a point and so does floppsy"

Me" Yea! So boys i would like you to introduce yourself to the fans (although you all ready know who they are) and say one thing you enjoy doing"


me"oh NO you don't you Will do this otherwise i'll use that hex again" 

Sirius"OKAY JEEZ! I'll do it but i'm begging you not to use that Hex...... I am Sirius Black and i like or enjoy playing pranks on snivellous" 


Peter" My turn i guess .......... I'm Peter Petigrew and i enjoy eating candy and chilling with you all" (in this he doesn't snitch as they make someone else secret keeper)


JAMES"OKAY ME NOW  hi, i'm james fleamont potter and i enjoy playing quidditch and talking to Floppsy" 

Remus"  I'm Remus Lupin and i like....choc" 

All" chocolate!" 

Me" i'm NOT surprised anyways , I'm @Superduck111 but you can call me floppsy"

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