Chapter 2

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The alarm goes off and Shawn realizes that is it is 5:30 am , that means she is super late. She jumps up brush her teeth and wash her face. She just puts her hair in the ponytail and do a hoe bath. She smells bacon but she knows nobody is cooking that type of morning in her house. Shawn puts her uniform on and she notices TLo is not in the bed , she knows good damn well that he is not gone in her car.
She grabs her phone , shoes and keys and rushes down the stairs. She was about to grab her phone but she realizes she has her car keys in her hands.
She smells the warmth of breakfast and follows her noses. There was TLo dress and he had toast bacon and eggs on the table. Shawn kisses him " Damn babe I wish I had time to eat it" TLo says in his deep voice " Why you don't?" Shawn looks at her phone and sees it is only 4:20. "Baby you know I got you when I blow you going to not have to worry about anything" Shawn smiles and sits down to eat her breakfast...................................

On the other side side of town....

D.T. gets up and take a shower. He usually gets up to make some plays and finish up some music before Zanna kids get up and get ready for school. D.T. baths last night sin off of him. He gets out the shower and feels refreshed. He put on his Nike sweats and shirt and his Nike slides. He walks to go get his weed and walks into the living room to go get his swisher. He goes into the kitchen and cut on the light; it looks like the roaches had a block party. I mean the whole neighborhood of roaches was in their kitchen. D.T. took the keys and headed to Wal-Mart........................................

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