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Let's start out with me telling you more about myself.

I am the middle child in a family of seven, (including the pets) both of my siblings are sisters so the only boys in the house are my dad and my cat named Mason.

Here's a picture! Mason is a mixed Devin Rex and the most annoying yet loveable thing in existance. My dad says that his normal face is always screaming that he needs coffee.

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He's so handsome, he sleeps in funny ways too! :3

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He's so handsome, he sleeps in funny ways too! :3

And my dog Rosie! She's a mutt butt she's just absolutely happy and beautiful! (My dolphins saying hi too.)

This is one of my funnier pics that I took

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This is one of my funnier pics that I took.

Here's another one where you can actually see her beautiful blue eyes.

Here's another one where you can actually see her beautiful blue eyes

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Now enough about the pets! Here's a bit about my family.

I have an older sister who's moving out soon, and a younger adopted sister who can be either the sweetest child or the worst. Depends on what mood she's in.

My dad is the pastor of a Wesleyan church and my mother is a school teacher and they are the best parents that I could ever have the blessing of having.

I myself am the only one in my family who went through an Otaku phase and the only one who really knows what anime is. The rest of my family doesn't get it at all, but my little sister likes the more appropriate and clean magical girl anime like Powerpuff girls z.

I am currently striving to be a nurse or an artist. Mostly artist because I have been taking leaps and bounds by the help from my art teacher.

Well that's all I really have to say about myself. Feel free to ask me anything!

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