Chapter 2 - Back To Malfoy Manor

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“I’m sorry, Kingsley.” Harry says, settling down in the Minister’s office.  “She always gets the better of me.”

“You can’t rise to her bait, Harry.” He says calmly.  “It’s just what she wants.”

“I suppose we’ll find out the fallout tomorrow.”

“Do you really think I’ll let the Prophet publish her article?” Kingsley cocks a brow in question.

“No, I suppose not.  But what about the Quibbler?”

“Lovegood has gone out of his way to report anything Anti-Harry Potter.  Drink?” he offers, pouring two small glasses of Firewhisky.

“It’s eleven o’clock on a Monday morning, Kingsley.”

The minister laughs, “I don’t make habit of this, Harry.  But, I daresay, you could probably use a drink after dealing with that dreadful Skeeter woman.”

“Oh, go on then.  Just the one.” Harry says, easily knocking it down his throat feeling it warm him up from inside out.  “Incidentally, what will I be busy with?”

“The Malfoy’s have returned to Great Britain.  We’ve got them locked up in their old manor.  You and Ron are to escort them to Azkaban.”

“Oh.” Harry sighs.

“I know, I know.  You’re not fond of the Malfoy’s but, to be honest, I wouldn’t entrust this job to anyone else.”

“It’s not the Malfoy’s that worries me.”

“The Dementors?” Harry nods.  “You’ve faced them countless times, Harry.”

“Ron’s faced Acramantula countless times, Kingsley.  Yet he’s still terrified of the common house spider.  Some fears never fade.”

“Very wise.”

“So, the Malfoy’s.  They’re all to go to Azkaban?  Why did they even return to Britain in the first place?”

“To find Draco.  He ran out on them in Bulgaria, they were staying with the Krum’s.”

“Krum?  As in Viktor?”

“Apparently so.”

“I wouldn’t have thought he’d be willing to hide them.”

“From the looks of things, they were under the Imperius curse.  Shortly after returning to Britain, however, Draco kidnapped Pansy Parkinson.”

Harry struggles to stifle his fit of laughter, “I thought they were going out.  Last time I saw her, Pansy practically worshipped Draco.”

“I don’t know all the details, I’m afraid.  From what I do know, she broke up with him.  When Draco returned to Britain, his parents came after him and they hired Pansy to help them draw him out.”

“I guess it backfired on them.” Harry said scratching his head.  “Why is he running from his folks, Kingsley?”

“Draco has become quite as notorious abroad as he is here.  He’s a jewel thief.” Kingsley explained.  “The Malfoy’s have travelled through many continents to put us far behind them and led quiet lives so other governments won’t seek them out also.  But, when visiting a King – I shall not reveal which one, he is not a King from the muggle world you see – Draco stole an ancient bracelet.”

“A bracelet?” Harry snorted.  “Why?”

“It’s said to hold hidden powers, I don’t know what though.  Ever since then he’s been stealing more jewels with powers.”

Harry Potter and the Silver Serpentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें