Prologue: The Kidnapping

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Prologue: The Kidnapping

The screams could be heard all around the palace, men and women alike. There were other sounds too, like the growling of wolves that echoed around the corridors, the gun shots, running footsteps, and cries of pain and loss.

The invasion had happened so suddenly, that it was all chaos, at least for the people in the palace. Nobody knew who they were fighting, or really what they were fighting for, except the people, and wolves, of the palace had to keep their King, Queen and their precious Princess safe from harm.

Most of the palace was dark, but the darkness was not really a problem for the wolves, who could see as easily in the dark as they could in the light, but there were parts of the castle that was bathed in fire, fires that had been set by the invaders. There were also several corridors that were bathed in the red blood of the dead wolves, shadows of their bodies lit by the torches on the wall.

Running down a fire-lit hallway was a woman who was heavily pregnant and a small child sat on her hip. The child had her head buried in her mother's neck and she was crying softly, and small whimpers kept leaving her throat. The girl only lifted her head to look at the man that ran beside the woman, his hand on the small of the woman's back, but if the child looked straight back over her mother's shoulder, she could see a large black wolf that had been following them from several hallways back.

The little girl looked at her father's worried face, and then at her mother's equally worried face and she felt the baby kick at her leg from inside her mother's belly and let out a small sob.

"Mommy," the child whimpered, "Are we going to die?"

"No!" Came the replay from her mother. "I won't let them hurt you. No matter what, they will not hurt you!"

The statement was said with such conviction that anyone might have believed her, but that didn't change the fact that the words were a lie. But, the child nodded, believe her mother, and buried her head in her mothers neck once again.

"Elizabeth, the study. Get into the safe room, now." The man spoke, "Keep them safe, my love. We have reinforcements and this battle will be won soon enough. I must help, but we will be together again soon."

The man kissed his wife hard on the lips, and then placed a kiss onto his daughter's head and then onto his wife's pregnant stomach before opening the door to his right and ushering them inside.

The woman looked back and said to her husband, her mate "I love you."

"I love you too," The man replayed and then closed the door and left to help finish this fight.

The woman hurried to the desk in the study and set the child down beside her, and began her work on opening the safe-room door.

"Listen to me Amelia," The woman spoke to her child. "No matter what happens, you must stay calm. You must not show fear, and you must not let them think they have won. You always fight, you never stop fighting, and you always remember that I love you, no matter what."

The words flew from Elizabeth's mouth, as tears streamed from her eyes as she looked down at her firstborn child. What Elizabeth didn't know, was that during her little speech, a man had moved into the study, and was coming closer to the woman and child.

"I love you Amelia, I love you so much." Elizabeth turned and punched in the key to the safe room and opened the door, but she was too late to get her daughter into the room.

"Oh so very touching, my dear Elizabeth," The man said and Elizabeth turned on her heal.

"Darren," Elizabeth spat out between gritted teeth.

"Yes, Elizabeth, it's me." Darren laughed. "And now, it is goodbye."

Darren moved quickly, knocking Elizabeth with a closed fist and carried her unconscious body into the safe-room and walked out again and closed the door and turning to the sobbing child.

Darren picked her up off the floor and flung her over his shoulder and called his men to retreat. The people of the palace cheered, thinking they had won the fight, but they would soon find out how wrong they were in that assumption.

They didn't know it yet, but their precious princess had been taken just before the retreat and there was absolutely nothing that could be done about that.


So, prologue has finally been posted! PLEASE let me know what you think and leave a comment! Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for reading!

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