Mistakes | Chapter 2

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Jaren's POV

I could tell that Luke was slightly angry at me for acting like I was weirded out by them.

If only he knew.

I let out a soft sigh as I trail behind him to our next class, occasionally asking him a question here and there.

"Hey, Jaren?" Luke asks, spieling down to walk beside me.

"Yeah?" I reply, watching him closely.

"Are... Are you homophobic? You said you weren't used to it, but, are you homophobic?" He asks. I bite my lip and stare down at the ground as we walk.

"No, I'm not homophobic." I finally answer and I feel the tension break away at last.

"Oh, ok. You just didn't see a lot of homosexual stuff where you're from?" He asks, causing me to hum slightly.

"Being gay where I'm from is pretty much a death wish." I reply, awkwardly looking down at my feet as we walk. "If the kids don't get to you, the adults will." I add, causing Luke to make a disgusted noise.

"Your parents like that?" He asks, glancing over at me.

"Eri and Joshua aren't like that at all." I say to him, shaking my head with a soft smile.

"You call your parents by their first name?" He asks, giving me a weird look.

"Adoptive parents." I say, causing him to nod his head in understanding. "We have math now, right?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Yep. And the teacher is literally the devil." He says, sighing softly.

"Great." I grumble, walking through the door he held open for me.

"Luke!" Some guy called from up the back. I glance over and see some of his friends from home room and some new ones.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the boys." He says, tugging on my arm.

I nervously follow him and I greet everyone there.

Tyler, a dude with short cut brown hair and a quite muscular build is the first to greet me.

Then the dude beside him, Craig, greets me. He has fluffy hair and some glasses that seem to slide down his nose every once in a while. He's very cute.

These a kid named Marcel, he has dark skin and an electric smile that could make anyone swoon for him.

And then there is Brian. Brian has this bad boy look to him, one ear is pierced, he's got a black stud in at the moment, and he's casually shewing gum.

And he's totally checking me out.

He doesn't hide it either.

"So this little twinks the new guy?" Brian slurs, a thick Irish accent hanging off every word.

"Brian! Don't call him a twink." Craig gasps our, slapping the Irishman on the shoulder.

Marcel, Tyler and Luke all laugh at this and shake their heads.

"Don't let Brock catch you checking him out." Marcel says to Brian, poking his arm.

"Pfft, I'm not checking him out. I was just... Taking in his appearance." The guy says.

"Is everyone gay here or something?" I ask Luke, causing him to give me a 'duh' look.

"And you aren't? My gaydar is going crazy on you." Tyler points out, shrugging his shoulders. I find my face heating up and I quickly change the topic.

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