Quirk: Weapon Summoning

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Weapon Summoning:

This quirk gives the user the ability to summon any weapon of their desire from seemingly out of nowhere.

However, these weapons aren't just manufactured from nothing. The user collects these weapons and stores them away in an invisible inventory. There is no limit to how many weapons they can store or how big they are.

There's two types of weapons the user can summon as well: basic and echanted. Basic weapons are nothing special, but enchanted weapons are infused with magic. (Fire sword, lightning rod/spear.)

Drawbacks: if the quirk user summons too often or too many weapons at once they will become exceedingly dizzy and lightheaded, sometimes even fainting.

Summoning smaller weapons like swords or bows is quick and efficient. Summoning bigger weapons like spears or mallets takes a bit longer. (Like momo's quirk) While summoning these bigger weapons the quirk user is more vulnerable, especially against opponents relying on speed. Enchanted weapons also take a bit longer to summon.

That's all, but feel free to add more to it if you'd like. Hope you like it!


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