The sports festival (pt.1.)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah we just got down here" Student B said

"No problems anyway" Student C

"After all it's not your fault" Student B

"Yeah so don't beat yourselves about it" Student D

I raised my head and looked at them then said

"Thank you all!" With a smile

"Yes thanks you!" Leo said with a small smile you couldn't see unless you were as close as I was. I was happy they weren't mad at us for being late. We took our places and waited for want Haido to finish introducing the rest of the classes. I was really happy to get to do sports day but at the same time nervous because I'm scared if I mess up and fail my class and if I lose my hairclip. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Saiki's POV

I was up first for one of the races I really didn't want to do this but I have too. I was about to go when I feel someone tugging on my shirt. I look down to see Hana with a brooch in her hair holding a piece of her hair.

"What's up Hana?" I ask.

"Good luck Saiki, I hope you do well" She gave me a thumbs up with a eye smile. 'Cute' I thought and nodded my head not to seem too excited about what Hana just did and said.

I go to my spot and do a running stance soon I hear the announcer say

'On your mark, get set, Go!'

I run as 'fast' as I can and am in 2nd place but I don't want to get too much attention so I slow down a bit as if it seems like I'm getting a bit tired. I make it a cross the finish line and got 3rd place in the race. As I make it back to my class Hana runs up to me and says

"That was amazing Saiki!" With stars in her eyes.

"What do you mean I only got 3rd place?" I was confused on why she was congratulating me on getting 3rd place then Haido and some other people came up and said

"Saiki! bro! You got 3rd place that's awesome!" Haido looked impressed.

"Why I only got 3rd place?" I ask again still confused.

"All the other racers were in track and field!" Haido informed me.

'You only now tell me this' I was mad that nobody told me this but that all went away when a certain someone side hugged me. Can you guess who it was? Well it was Hana she had a closed eye smile plastered on her face and the whispered

'You did amazing out there Saiki' I got to admit she is really good at calming me down.

I smiled but only enough for Hana to see. When Hana noticed I was smiling her smile got even cuter and bigger. She let go and went over to Leo and was talking to him about something, I wanted to know what they were saying so I used one of my powers to listen in.

~Hana and Leo's convection~

"Saiki was so cool in the race, he even got 3rd place"

"I know I saw it too"

"When it's my turn I'm going to try my hardest to win"

"I know you will win Hana so don't go pushing yourself okay?"

"I won't Leo so you got nothing to worry about"

"I know"

~End of Hana and Leo's convection~

That was nice that Hana was going to try her best when it's her turn maybe I'll cheer her on and wish her good luck like how she did with me. Next was Kaido and I already knew he was going to lose, I saw Hana go up to him and start to talk to him so I used my powers again so I can hear what they're talking about

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