"Please Calum, I want you so bad!" Her nails scratched my back, causing a groan to erupt from my throat.

"Dirty.." I flipped her around, as her hand slipped my cóck into her entrance.

"Oh!" Her legs wobbled, unstable to what I had done to her.

She panted, her screams overtaking the bathroom.

"No." I cupped her head, still thrusting into her even harder.

She nodded, her head rolling back, her lips attaching to mine furiously.

Endlessly, this is what I would do, fúck girls mindless, with no emotion; daily. Nothing is better than to have a girl, squirming underneath you, moáning in pleasure that you supply them with.


After the bell rung signaling the day was over, I slowly got off of the bathroom floor and made my way to Mr. Rodent's classroom.

As I turned a corner, I was met with Luke and Rachel talking by her locker.

I stopped, and watched them for a distance.

Luke was slightly leaned over, and was staring into her eyes with concern written all over his face.

I couldn't make out what the hell they were taking about, because students kept blocking my view.

I continued trying to watch their conversation until it ended. Luke reached down, hugged Rachel, and walked in the other direction.

Jesus Christ Hemmings.

I looked around the hallway and was relived to see that no populars were in sight.

I walked to Rachel's locker, and leaned up against the one beside hers.

"Ready for detention, Rach?" I questioned, smiling.

She averted her attention to me and slowly shut the locker door.

"No. I've never had a detention before." She sighed, and starting walking.

"I figured." I laughed, following next to her, "You're a good girl."

I felt a punch in my arm and looked down to see her blushing.

"Shut up." She whined.

Her actions caused me to giggle.

God I need to stop doing that.

I looked over at her, and she was twirling her hair around her finger. "It's not that bad." I mumbled, trying to ease her nerves.

She let out a sigh and pushed Mr. Rodent's door open, which revealed him sitting behind his desk by himself.

Rachel guided me to the table that we have been sitting at ever since we met, and I couldn't help but smile from behind her.

Our table.

We both quickly took our seats, and when I looked up I was greeted by Mr. Rodent's hideous face.

"Mr. Hood, I believe you know the rules by now from our multiple visits with each other." He declared.

I rolled my eyes, and he turned to Rachel, "As for you, Ms. Grey, the rules are quite simple. No conversing, eating, or electronics. " He looked at his watch and then back up to us, "This detention is one hour long. Hopefully this teaches you both a lesson."

Yeah, because I totally followed these rules in my past detentions.

I turned to the right on my stool, rested my head on my hand, and stared at Rachel.

She had her backpack on her lap, and was putting on the table what looked like a sketchbook, and dug into her backpack to fetch out multiple different colored markers.

Rach placed her backpack back onto the ground, opened her sketchbook to a random page, and uncapped a marker. She was about to draw something, but I guess she felt me staring at her, and turned towards me.

I watched her as she looked at my arms and a smile appeared on her face. She switched her marker for a dark blue one off of the table, and scooted her stool closer to mine.

Our knees were now touching, and she gestured me to hold my arm out. Confused, I did as she wanted.

Rach grabbed onto my arm, which resulted in my arm getting all...tingly.

What the hell?

I felt an unusal cold feeling on my arm, and couldn't help but smile in realization.

Rachel was coloring in my bird tattoo, the one I got done in memory of my sister.

She was hovering about five inches away from my arm, and her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, something I've noticed in these past few days that she does a lot.

I looked up at her sketchbook laying on the table and then back down to her.

Would she be mad if I just took it?

I bit my lip and poked her with my other hand. She finished coloring in a part of my tattoo and then looked up at me.

I nodded towards her sketchbook and scanned her face for an answer. She stared at it for a few seconds, but regained eye contact with me and nodded a yes.

The cold feeling of the marker returned to my skin, and I grabbed Rach's notebook with my free hand and opened to the first page.

What layed in front of me took my breath away, it was the most realistic looking eye I've ever seen. There's no way in hell that is a drawing.

Every page I turned I was absolutely astonished by, and I looked at every detail of each and every one of her doodles.

As I made it towards the middle of her sketchbook, Rach tugged on my arm.

I tore my attention away from her book and looked back down at my arm.

"Holy hell Rach." I whispered.

It didn't even look like the color was done in marker, it looked like it was done with the tattoo.

I smiled, and looked up at her to be met with her hazel eyes and blush on her cheeks.

I grabbed a marker, and flipped to the back page of her sketchbook.

Messily, I wrote down a question and handed her the marker for her answer.

Her answer caused me to smile.


this is poo sorry


believe it or not but that smut scene serves great importance !!

credit to happilyharrry for writing the smut for me, since I can't write smut to save my life

and huge thank you to starbucksismyheroin for making an amazing trailer for this fic, it's up top ^

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