Never been called beautiful.

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Never been called beautiful.

                Describe me. A hottie? No. Chick? Absolutely No. A cutie? Damn no! None of those words above can describe me. I can't describe myself as a nerdy because it's way lot better than me. Maybe I can call myself as an alien. Because aside from its ugly and green, it doesn't belong to this world! Just like me. I don't belong here. I disgust myself. Some people say that if there's no one praising you, all that's left is yourself. Gross. I mean, I'm not so full of myself, the truth is, I'm really empty. There's nothing of me, that I can show the world, and tell them that I got something to be proud of. But nothing. They left me no talent, no brain, no riches, and the most of all? They left me no beauty. How selfish. No, just kidding. I am used to be like this for sixteen years. I don't blame anyone, I just hate the fact of being envy to those who are pretty, though I know it's a sin. I just really can't help it. That feeling of having special treatment to those who are pretty? To those who are good looking? How about us? It is unfair right? We're still human, and we have the right to fight for it. Uh, fight for what again? Never mind. I just thought, I can fight for it. But, I know nothing will happen.

                It's Monday, and I have to go to school. Speaking of school, it's 8 o'clock in the morning, and I need to be there at exactly 7 o'clock. Geez. I don't want to squat and face the wall again! It's so embarrassing. Well, I guess everything I do is embarrassing, so no wonder. So here I go. Running here, running there, running everywhere. Rushing in short. No tooth brush, didn't take a bath, didn't eat the breakfast that my mom prepared for me.

                 ''Phew.'' said I, as I entered the car. While my mom was looking at me, crazily.

                    ''What happened to you dear? Your hair is a mess. Come here, let me brush your hair.'' said my mom. Then I draw closer to her. Every time she brushes my hair? It was like, it's just the two of us. Me, and my mom, having a daughter'n'mom bonding. It's just, the sweetest thing in my life, having my mom around. I wanted to ask her about what I look, or am I pretty. But, not now. Maybe later. Then,  after she brushed my hair, she started the engine, and fetch me to school.

                When I got in the hallway, I was thinking of an excuse. What should I say? I really don't want to squat and face the wall again! This happens three times a week, and I'm so sick with this. Well, it's my fault though. But still! I really have to change, I mean start waking up early, and stop sleeping late at night. Aside from it produces pimples on my face, it also darken my eyes! The thing that makes me uglier. Wait, give me some reasons people! Should I say, ''Sorry Ma'am, I'm late again. My alarm clock didn't alarmed, I thought it was still working last night, but not. I promise, I will buy a new battery for that.'' What can you say? Do you think it is effective? Anyway, I'm in a hurry, so I got to run. When I got there, I opened the door and said ''Ma'am sorry for being late!'' I shouted. Then stopped. Because I can't breathe. I wasn't looking at the room, but I was looking on the floor, because I really can't breathe. I ran so fast, and I got asthma. After I said that, what happened next? I looked up, and saw no one. ''Where are they?'' After I said that, someone tapped me on my right shoulder and said, ''It's holiday today babe.'' Oh shit! After he said that? I realized, I'm not just a girl with no beauty, real talk, no brains also. So, starting today, that is how I will describe myself whenever there will be someone who ask me. It is really, funny. Because I watched the news last night, and it was said there, that no classes tomorrow, because it is Thanksgiving day. It is celebrated every fourth Thursday of November, and today it is. Thanks to  that guy who called me babe, which I really hate and wanted to punch his face for calling me that. Oh, where is he? ''Hey you bastard! Who are you?'' I shouted. No response. ''Hey! Why did you call me that way! I hate it!'' I shouted again. But still, he didn't reply. He just continue walking. Maybe he's a deaf? No, impossible. He heard me saying ''Where are they?'', so he's not deaf. If he's not deaf, then what is he? Oh, I know. He's a guy who pretends to be a deaf. Simple. I really want to know why he calls me that, and why is he here? If it's holiday, no student must be staying at the campus. I haven't seen him before, but based on what he's wearing, he's also a student of this school. I don't know him. Maybe a transferee. But weird huh? ''Fine! Then don't answer my questions.'' I shouted again. ''Pff, weirdo.'' whispered this time. Now, I have to call my mom for her to fetch me. I'm so bored here.

Calling ..

The number you have dialled is either unattended, or out of coverage area.

                What happened? For Pete's sake! I don't want to stay here. Oh, I forgot, my mom's at work right now. And whenever she enters the building, there will be no signal. Not because they blocked the networks, but because my mom's cellphone has a problem. Geez. I really don't want to stay here, boredom will kill me.

                So I went to the restroom. Just realized that I want to pee. Inside the cubicle, third cubicle, I saw something written on the door. It's a wooden door. It was written there:

Die bitches who pee on this cubicle. I need you. I am bea

That's all. The word after bea was erased by a red ballpen. Weird. What kind of girl, undecent girl who wrote something like this here. Then I'm done. When I got off the cubicle, a large mirror has faced me. This mirror I always see whenever I enter this restroom. Such a beautiful mirror, designed with pixies or a naked girls beside it. Detailed surfaces, and the mirror was very clear. I wonder how the janitors didn't forget to wipe the mirror. It was so beautiful. It looks antique and rare. As I stare at it, I saw my face. This face. I removed my eyeglasses, and realized how beautiful I am. I touched my cheeks, it was smooth like a pillow. I don't know why every time I walk through the hallway? The look of the students are weird. That's the reason why I don't feel beautiful. I feel ugly, uglier than a monkey. I guess, I need to praise myself, because again, they say that if there's no one praising you, all that's left is yourself. Give it a try.

''Rebecca Taylor, I don't know why you think you are ugly, but this time, it's yours now, you are beautiful.'' I said to myself. Weird right? But can everybody lend me the word beautiful, just for this time?

                Then suddenly, the mirror turns into a hole. A hole with rainbow slide on it. After I saw that, someone pulled me to enter the hole, then I fainted. 

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