Chapter Two: Dominance

Start from the beginning

Didrika rose to her feet and gasped. Sharp pain riddled throughout her and she collapsed. Didrika opened her eyes and the blurriness subsided and she crawled over beside Trea. She reached her hand up and stroked his cheek. He was cold to the touch. His once beautiful brown eyes were now grayed over and empty. Didrika cried and pain stabbed her in the gut.

She looked down at herself and saw a puddle of blood forming around her. The world tipped and she saw several people running toward her. Lorelei burst into the room. She looked harmed as well. She collapsed beside Didrika and moved Didrika's head so that Didrika was looking straight up at her. Lorelei froze. Didrika had shattered eyes and a beaten body. A healer began to work on Didrika. Didrika felt nothing and her heart slowly caved in on itself. Healers went to Trea and Didrika shook her head.

"He's d-dead. He's dead," Didrika croaked.

The healers looked at her shocked. They stopped with Trea and moved to save Didrika.

Didrika found herself outside. Her hand was on the bandaged wound. She was leaning heavily on Lorelei. Flames engulfed the living quarters. Civilians ran around with bleeding wounds and in shock. Children screamed and walked around lost. Ice Nation warriors ran in the city cutting down everyone in their path. Cavikru warriors screamed out orders and fought back. Didrika was helpless and could not help her troops.

The sun rose and Azgeda ran from the city. The devastation was horrific. No one was listening to the founding families. The dead littered the streets. Horses whined in the stables. The ground was stained red. Didrika's eyes teared up and tears slipped down her face. Her home was destroyed. Everything she loved was gone. Now she had to deal with all the bad of Cavikru. The good - the reasons she was alive - was gone. She sniffled and clenched her jaw. The emotion faded from her face and was replaced with emptiness and vengeance. The Cavikru warriors went to chase after Azgeda.

"Stand down! We will not fight a battle because of grief and vengeance!" Didrika screamed at the warriors.

The warriors looked at her startled. The emptiness of her features and the darkness of her glare moved them enough to keep them from attacking Azgeda. The hands grabbed at Didrika and she turned to them. Jett stared at her terrified. She was a splitting image of Trea. The same red hair and brown eyes. The same perfect posture. Her expression made him want to shrink away into nothing.

"It's time for the Cleansing ritual and the acceptance vows," Jett said.

Didrika nodded. This was the start of her descent into her dark side. She would stop at nothing to kill Ontari and until she did the thirst for vengeance would darken her. Didrika would forever have a scar around her heart that stained her soul black. Soon the name Jusripa (Blood Murderer) became the badge the signified her black soul.

Didrika shifted in her sleep. A name slipping from her lips along with cries for mercy. Didrika shot up from her bed. The sheets fell from her body and she gasped for air. Sweat clung to her hair and skin. Her body shook. Didrika scoured her room for Lorelei. She laid her eyes on Roan. She blushed and quickly looked down at herself. She would have let out a sigh of relief but that would have added to her embarrassment. She was grateful for falling asleep in her long sleeve shirt and pants. Roan walked to her side and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Didrika recoiled away from him. His face fell in shame.

"Where's Lorelei?" Didrika asked.

"With Octavia scouting for rebels," Roan answered.

Didrika slipped out of bed and clipped on her armor, med bag, and weapons. She moved toward the door. Roan gripped her wrist. Didrika turned to him with murderous eyes.

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