Speed Dating

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Third Person POV

"I don't know, Tony," The muscular blonde shook his head, leaning back against the car seat.

"You came this far. Don't wuss out, Rogers," He responded, opening the car door, then waiting for Steve to follow.

As he got out of the car, Steve looked at the small restaurant in front of him and sighed. "I don't know, speed dating doesn't seem very--"

"Look, just give it a chance. It can be a one time thing, no pressure to come back, okay? I'll be back to pick you up at six."

Steve nodded in resignation and began walking into the restaurant, grabbing a name tag and slapping it on, despite everyone probably already knowing his name. He sat down at a table, and in a couple excruciatingly long minutes, a small bell was rung and a petite blonde sat down in front of him.

"Oh my god," She giggled, reaching across the table and grabbing Steve's forearm. "You're Steve Rogers! You totally saved the world, like, a million times," She gushed, her eyes lighting up excitedly. "Sorry, I must be totally creeping you out," She blushed, looking down into her lap and retracting her arm.

"It's no problem," Steve smiled, making the girl relax slightly. "So, Maggie, what brings you here?"

The girl stuttered and then laughed, biting her lip. "Sorry, I got confused as to how you knew my name, then I remembered I was wearing a name tag, and I completely forgot the question."

Steve chuckled and kindly repeated himself. "How'd you get into speed dating?"

"I bounce around because of my job. I get transferred pretty often, so there's never any serious relationships. I thought this would be a nice fix."

"That's smart," Steve nodded. "Truth be told, I'm only here because a friend set me up here."

"Can I guess? Tony Stark?" Maggie whispered, smiling like a little kid.
Steve nodded, and she giggled triumphantly. "I've actually been a huge fan of yours ever since I was a kid. My great grandmother was a nurse during World War II. She would write letters to my dad about everything, and how she would see you with other soldiers... My dad kept all the letters and I love just reading them over and over again."

"That's flattering," Steve smiled, noting Maggie's slightly shaking hand.

The two continued to make small talk until the one minute bell rang. "Hey, so will I be seeing you at one of these events again?" Maggie asked, grabbing her purse.

"I'm not sure this is my scene, but I'll see you around?"

"Definitely," Maggie nodded, getting up and switching to the next table.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Steve looked up to see who his next contestant was and his breath hitched. "I like Maggie, by the way, she's been a regular here for a couple weeks. She found one potential date, but he turned out to be an idiot."

"Are you a regular here?" Steve asked, as the redhead took her seat.

"How do you think Tony got this address?"

Steve nodded in understanding. "So, did you find anyone you like yet?"

Natasha simply shrugged and looked around. "There's this one guy who offered me a free beer, though. You're never too good to refuse free alcohol. What about you, find anyone with shared life experience?" Natasha quipped, her a smirk tugging at her lips.

Steve smiled, recognizing what he had said to her months ago. "Maggie had some War stories about me."

"Her grandmother served as a nurse during the Vietnam War, not her great grandmother during World War II. That story's a hoax. Good try, though," Natasha sipped her water casually.

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