OS: Possessive Rakshas!

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Khushi stare at him for a while and her eyes moistened, "Tumhare wajah se (Because of you).. because I always want to prove myself to you.. I want to show that I can take up your challenges and win them also.. You always put me down for being a middle class girl.. this always hurts me.. I want to show that being middle class girl I also can do anything.. I always end up doing something wrong when it's related to you.. first  I spoiled your show.. then I hit on your car.. then that fire alarm.. (she sobs) that's why I'm trying to fulfill all tasks given to me so that I can at least change your mind about me.. so that I can be in your good books too .. I don't know what wrong I did that you hate me this much.. I didn't know anything related to that show of yours.. I'm not your enemy and I don't even have neither I like to create enemies..  I like to be friends to everyone.. but I don't know why we are always fighting.. (she shut her eyes tightly)..  Tumhare wajah se.. sirf tumhare wajah se.. today I went against my morals and accepted to take that models measurements.."

"You don't need to go against your morals because of me.." his voice and grip on her softened.

Khushi Kumari Gupta.. the only girl in this world that he wants to hate but isn't able to.. the only girl in this world that make him speak one thing and do other thing.. the only girl in this that can create a war in ASR's heart and mind.

The first day she fell on his arm, it was like an angel fell on his arms.. so beautiful, so innocent, so fragile.. He so wanted to keep her in his arms forever, but 'Never judge a book by it's cover' is something he learned right from his uncle who kicked him out of his mansion soon after his parents left this world, the ever so loving family of his showed their evil truth, and after them he learned that in this world not everyone is what they seemed to be. So this angel who surely fell on his arms, but who knew what is her intention?

He heard the crowd's response to her presence on his fashion show and it didn't took him time to realize that she was here to spoil his huge fashion show.

So she wasn't any angel but an enemy of his! That moment his mind took over his heart feelings and unfortunately for the 'Angel', she would have to face the wrath of this 'Beast' now.

Another thing which increased his 'wanting to hate her but never could' feeling was that she always replied back to him. Something he didn't bear due to his dominant nature, he likes to boss around and when he talks, no one else utters a word.. but she's an exception! He needed to shut her up and satisfy his ego, that's why he asked his assistant to leak those pictures of his fashion show.. but even after this, his heart didn't find it's peace.. he wasn't able to stop thinking about Her when until his heart found it's peace again when he met her in Delhi.. but she always manages to get on his nerves.. she hit on his car and that lead to a huge fight between them.. fights and fights that's what described their relationship till now.. she ended up working in AR much to his mind's dislike and his heart's like. The fact that he would see the 'Angel' everyday was a relief to his heart who always seemed to be restless these days, but the fact that she's the same girl who dares to answer him back and fight with him, wasn't going well with his mind who used every chance to humiliate the 'middle class girl'.

As a part of the 15 days contract challenge, he gave her a task he knew she wouldn't do it, take the male models measurements to satisfy his ego and get her out of AR.

But the moment he saw her taking measurement tape and moving towards the male model made him clutch his fist at the scene. He didn't care about the contract anymore, all he knew that his Angel can't touch any other men other than him! Her hands were meant to touch him and only him and not any random man!

The male model even dare to smirk at her making his eyes darker in anger, jaws clenched and his whole body shaking in anger..

The moment Khushi smiled at the model (nervous but he failed to notice in his jealousy), he completely lost it.

🌟It's all about Arshi🌟Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin