They're not real. They're not real.

"I'm just bored."

"Bored? You ain't scared?" Otis asked, looking amazed. "You're 'sposed to be scared."

"Well, normally I'd be terrified. But not when I have my secret weapon."

"Secret weapon? What secret weapon?" the giant questioned. Nico hid a smile, despite his body shaking.

"Sorry, can't tell you. Then it's not a secret."

"Aw, you can tell me!" Otis promised, leaning forward.

"Well, okay," Nico agreed. "But only if you don't tell anyone. Not even Euphie."

"Cross my heart!"

"It's my skull ring," Nico confessed. "It's impossible for me to be afraid while I'm wearing it."

"Ha! Tricked you!" Otis yelled, grabbing Nico's fingers and wrenching his ring off.

"No! Please!" Nico cried, but Otis only laughed.

"Whatever you do, please don't take my ring and throw it in the grass outside! I can't bear it!"

"In your face! I'm going to take this ring and throw it in the grass outside!" Otis gloated. "And there's nothing you can do about it." Still cackling, he jumped on the platform and was lifting away, still laughing

"Phase one, complete," Nico whispered to himself, because it seemed like something Leo would say.

Something caressed his side, but he didn't look down. The gas made him see things that weren't there, feel things that weren't happening. The more afraid he got, the worse it was. The first time he'd been taken, Nico felt like he was being ripped apart and sewn back together, every day. Giving in to his fear would only let the monsters barely held at bay come crashing forward.

Still, he had to be convincing. The next time he felt something grab his foot, he screamed.


Had the circumstances been different, Leo didn't doubt that shopping at the mask place would have been fun. Lucky for them, it was a 24/7 store, for when you need a dozen masks at 4:00 AM. It would have been worth all the weird looks they got.

While Annabeth and Reyna handled actually questioning the guy at the register, the rest of them tried to blend in by buying masks.

Leo decided that when they busted Nico out, it would help to be wearing masks so they wouldn't be recognized. Plus, maybe it would boost morale.

By the words of the desk guy, "Tall, smelly, twins? Yeah, that's those jerkoffs that live in that direction-" they knew they were headed to the right place. So, they bought the masks.

Annabeth was an owl, Frank a grizzly bear, Piper a dove and Jason an eagle, while Percy was a dolphin and Rachel was a snake. Hazel chose a witch hat and fake nose, and Reyna put on a Roman helmet and battle skirt, even though it wouldn't hide her face. Really seemed to fit her personality, though.

Leo chose a dragon, and in a show of optimism got Nico a skeleton mask for when they rescued him. As they all piled back into the car they'd stolen from Argus' garage, he tucked it into the supply bag and zipped it back up. Closing his eyes, he listened as Annabeth started the car and began to drive in the direction the cashier had said.

It took them less than ten minutes to get there, and the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon. He was right; the dirt was red, and Reyna confirmed that it seemed exactly like the kind covering the twins.

We've all got bruises. (Leico)Where stories live. Discover now