Chapter 2

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When class was over I heard someone called out my name it was Natalia a girl I met in orientation, she was nice to me, rather than to unlike me like the others. "Hey wait up," she said while running toward me. Her complexion is fair and it's kind of looks like a tint color light and beautiful, She has nice blue eyes and black hair. It kind of reminds me of someone. After we were walking side by side. We started talking and laughing and catching up on what has been going on at school for the first day I was so distracted not even noticing that some were walking toward me I almost stumble when I knocked into him. "Watch where you're going doll, you don't want to encounter the wrong lad," the stranger said in a rather unique English accent. He held me from falling as I stared into his eyes. His hair was blonde and it seems really spiky like that American movie stars his eye was a rather rear yellow I never quite recognized before, he's about 5ft 8in not too tall but tall enough compare to me. He started to stare at me before I could snap out of whatever was going on. "sorry, I was a little distracted" "no, it's my fault too I was rather busy staring at my phone but I hope I could still see you, two beautiful ladies, around" he said as he walked past us. Natalia looked at me with a shocked stare "he is so hot, can't you feel his heat from overhearing, he is smoking like a toaster oven" I shake my head and started to laugh and as I was going to say something I heard a voice from behind me "well well isn't it lil my feisty"  I turn around to see a brown hair guy with brown eyes, medium muscles and he is about 6 ft tall, he looked pretty handsome I could hand that to him but he isn't my type. I ignored what he was saying and continued walking. Before I could draw the attention from myself, Natalia started asking the guy question about what he meant." Nothing sugar just that lil miss feisty here almost tick grey off" he said while shooting me a cold glare. Natalia's eyes open and she became speechless.
She gathered her courage to speak "She did what" I heard her shouts while opening her eyes as wide as she can, I started I wonder while getting confused in silences, "you should have seen greys face, he was so pissed" why would he be pissed for something like that it not like I said anything wrong. Yes, you did, you lashed out on him pretty much in front of everyone my subconscious adds. "Did he do something to you?" Natalia said while she turned to face me, just like the  hot creepy guy that was in from of us." I was surprised myself that he didn't, he smirked and sat next to her and whispered something I could quite hear" the guy answered for me "what did he say?" Natalia ask me I stared at her with wondering eyes "nothing really, I'll tell you later" I said to her while glaring and the guy and her both. He glared at me and walked between the both of us and smile, not even a second later and he was on his way. "What happens? I don't know, he smirked" "feisty, I like that, never try that again, I will hate for pretty girls like you to get " my subconscious reply as Natalia Wait's for another answer gazing at me in confusion "ok, he said something like, feisty, I like that, never try that again, I will hate for pretty girls like you to get, to get what," she asks while smiling her face off "he got cut off by miss c"
She started to open her mouth as wide as she can "not even miss c can control then why did he even lesson am going to pretend like this never happen before I confuse myself"  shook her head and we started to walk toward our locker "by the way who is that guy. he was the one that told him to cool down" I don't know why but I feel like she is a friend with him are something." well, well I use to date a couple of months ago until basically, he chooses to follow what brother over me so I dumped him" she said with a sad face before smiling again. "Then how did you got involved with grey?" Confusion clear on my face before I say her laugh "Grey is the idiot who he is following, can't you see our resemblance?" She waved her hand from both sides, the top of her head to the bottom of her hip, before resting them on both sides. "He is your brother", she shucks her head "Don't let his bad-boy attitude fool you that's what he does, but if I was you I would stay away from him trade seats or leave the class, maybe even the country, all am saying be careful of him his bitchy tone that what causes a lot of these girls to get" she pauses for a second before she recovered and changes what she was saying " am saying is be careful" after we reach our locker we put in our stuff it really crazy her locker is right in front of mine crazy isn't it. she told me she was thinking of moving because the locker was so bashed in but she stayed to pissed grey off. We both had enough of that baster so we drop the thought and head to lunch. After reaching the cafeteria the smell of sweat hits my nose and then I notice the footballer walking from across the room. There were two don't and the both of them were directly near the food ale as I was about to rush I say Natalia leaped into of them arms guess you could say he is the only one that took a fresh before coming here. He was dress in thick blue jeans a white T-shirt wish could be clearly shown his hair was blonde and he had pretty green eyes. I couldn't tell what his lip color is Natalia was too busy kissing them." baby we are in the middle of a cafeteria, aren't you afraid my ladies would get jealous" he said while laughing at her. From where I am standing I think I saw dimples. Her face became sad as he left her chin and bite his lip "let's make them jealous" he said while kissing her as passionately as he can and as they separated he said " Oh was kidding about the girlfriend part you know I don't want anybody but you" he said as he left his eyebrow and slowly put Natalia down. She slowly wrapped his hand around her waist as his six while slowly bringing him towards me.

Please comment and tell me what I could have done better with this chapter. I want to know what you guys expect the twist and the closure of this book.

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