This Is Halloween

Start from the beginning

Oh Billy, (Y//n) thought, If only you knew the things I'm capable of.

However, the thought of walking all the way home wasn't a very exciting idea. Billy was very much an asshole, yes, and he rarely showed any smidge of kindness like this every once in a blue moon, so she decided to take him up on it.

"Okay." She said.

She had no intention of having him drop her off directly in front of her house.

"Alright, follow me." Billy led the way to his car, immediately walking over to the driver's side and unlocking the door so they could both get in.

Billy floored it, despite there still being trick or treaters out and about. He was obviously trying to show off. If he thought he was going to get lucky tonight, he was seriously wrong.

(Y/n) directed him down the streets until they reached the highway surrounded by the woods. Billy slowed down as she told him to make a left on a secluded dirt road. He was clearly disturbed now.

"You sure you live down here?" He asked, looking around the dark trees.

(Y/n) nodded. "Yup. Actually you can drop me off here. It's not that far from here, thank you." Lies. The house she was staying in was in the woods, but it didn't follow the path. Instead it was inside the woods, about half a mile into the woods if she went right where the path is marked.

Most would be scared living here, especially alone. But not (y/n). To her, she's already experienced the worst in life.

Billy stopped the car and unlocked the doors. Trouble was, when (y/n) thanked him and got out, he got out too. "I can walk you."

Damnit, Billy.

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine."

"(Y/n), you can barely see out here, let me walk you."

(Y/n) panicked. She hoped that there was SOMETHING at the end of this path that she can pretend to live in. Then she remembered....she could just make him see what she wanted him to see..

She started walking, Billy walking next to her.

However, before he could start conversation with her, (y/n) heard rustling in the bushes. She stopped. They walked no more than five feet from Billy's car. That bad feeling was back.

"What?" Billy asked.


(Y/n) put her hand on Billy's chest to prevent him from walking any further, listening for anymore noise.

A twig snapped. Now Billy was cautious, listening for sounds.

Crickets. An owl. Mosquitos...

And a distinct, unearthly growl.

"What the hell..." Billy mumbled.

Suddenly, a creature emerged quickly from the bushes in front of them, walking on all fours. It had no distinct face that (y/n) could see, instead a huge mouth that opened wide to reveal hundreds of sharp teeth.

She's seen pictures of these creatures before back in the lab in California. Now she knew she was here for a very serious reason.

Next to her, Billy was heavily breathing, backing up. "We...we have to get to the car."

The creature was now standing upright on it's hind legs, and began to slowly creep towards them. Now (y/n) was stepping back.

Then, the creature let out the most bloodcurdling, high pitched roar as it lunged toward them. Billy screamed and started to make a run for it towards his car.

(Y/n) ducked just in time, but the creature grabbed Billy and was trying to sink it's claws and teeth into him. Billy fought with all his might and screamed bloody murder.

(Y/n) had to think fast. She had to do something.

She quickly grabbed a large rock and threw it at the creature, immediately grabbing it's attention. "Hey asshole! Pick on someone your own size!"

The creature got up and turned towards (y/n). Clearly pissed, it roared and lunged toward her as Billy stood on the ground, petrified with fright.

(Y/n) immediately waved her hand to the side and it flew off and hit a tree instead. (Y/n) pinned it to the tree with her force, and with her other hand, touched the rough skin of the creature. Immediately, cold frost started to creep up all over the creature's body, hardening as soon as it appeared. The creature roared with pain, but not for long as the frost finally appeared on it's mouth, and it froze in place.

(Y/n) then squeezed the hand she was using to keep it pinned, and the creature shattered into millions and millions of tiny pieces, looking like frozen dust now.

She turned back. Billy was still on the ground, looking at her with wide eyes.

"Go home, Billy." (Y/n) said. Then she jogged down the path, reaching the mark, then headed right. She was not followed anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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