This Is Halloween

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Steve looked at himself in the mirror, with and without his sunglasses on. He thought he looked pretty good.

He and Nancy were going as Joel Goodson and Lana from the movie Risky Business, all Nancy's idea. She was absolutely in love with Tom Cruise, and it just so happened to be one of her favorite movies. Originally, Steve wanted to dress up as a Ghostbuster, but the dweebs already thought that idea up.

Steve looked again, making this his last check before he headed over to the Wheeler's to pick up Nancy. He wondered what (y/n) decided to go as, since she confirmed yesterday that she was, in fact, going to the party.

He offered to pick her up after picking up Nancy, but she declined. He always wondered where she lived, but didn't linger on it since he felt that it wasn't really his business.

He grabbed his keys and walked out, heading to his car to finally make his way over to Nancy's. He had to drive slower than usual, since trick or treaters ruthlessly crossed the street with no warning at times.

When Steve knocked on the Wheeler's door, Mrs. Wheeler answered. "Oh, hello Steve. Come in, Nancy is up in her room getting ready."

Steve thanked her and went inside, sitting on the couch. Mr. Wheeler was watching TV on his recliner, looking close to passing out.

Mrs. Wheeler brought Steve a glass of water, which he took graciously, but declined a Halloween cookie. He regretted it later.

A few minutes later, Nancy came downstairs, ready to go.

"Mom, I'll be back." She said as Steve began to say bye.

"Okay, make sure you're home by 9:00."

"I thought we agreed on 11:00." Nancy said, appalled.

Mrs. Wheeler sighed. "Alright. 11:00, no later."

Steve excused himself one last time before heading out, promising to have Nancy home by 11:00. Before Steve turned back to head to the car, he saw Mike coming downstairs dressed in his costume, and had to hold in his laugh as Mike flipped him off.

(Y/n) slowly approached the house, already littered with teens. She didn't see Steve's car, so she figured he and Nancy weren't there yet.

(Y/n) was going to decide to hang back a bit until Steve arrived, but was soon spotted.

"So you decided to come. I'm honored." Billy made his way over to (y/n), checking out her costume. "School girl?"

"Roger Taylor." (Y/n) replied. She decided to humor Steve, and wanted to get a good laugh with him and Nancy about it. She never planned on telling Billy Hargrove about it.

Billy eyed her, then started to laugh. "Well, you look good."

(Y/n) eyed Billy, not sure what the hell we was supposed to be. A stripper?

"What the hell are you?"

"An asshole in black." Billy smiled.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. She wanted to get away from Billy but...honestly she really didn't know anyone at this party. Sticking around with him shouldn't matter until Steve arrived.

"Come on." Billy ushered her inside the house, which was full of alot more teens, dancing and drinking. It smelled like sweat and alcohol, with the occaisonal sweet scent, either from perfume or candy.

The girls all eyed Billy, smirking his way, hoping to get his attention. They danced against him as they walked past, but he'd shrug them off, still loving the attention he was getting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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