This Is Halloween

Start from the beginning

When she opened her eyes, the party was still going on behind her. Teens were already passed out on the porch, some of the boys continuing their drinking game. Looking away from the party, (y/n) thought that she was just imagining things. Then she looked up gasped.

A huge shadow creature loomed over them. It just stood there, looking down at the party below it. (Y/n) felt such an evil energy coming from it, she felt like she could puke.

The shadow creature slighty moved it's head, seemingly looking at her. But it wasn't. As far as it knew, no one could see it. It wasn't in our world. Yet.

It then began to walk away, toward some neighboring homes. Something still didn't feel right...

She felt bad for wanting to leave early,  but (y/n) just didn't want to stay here.

She quickly went back in the house, looking for Nancy and Steve to let them know that she was leaving, and try to get them to do the same.

As she was walking in, she saw Steve at the punch bowl, alone, his face angry and hurt. He was looking for something.

Where was Nancy?

"Steve?" (Y/n) walked up to him cautiously. "Are you okay?"

"No! I am not okay! Apparently EVERYTHING is bullshit. I'm bullshit too, in case you didn't know!" Steve semi yelled, still looking angry.

(Y/n) was very concerned. "Steve, what happened?" She grabbed his hand, prompting that he speak with her.

Steve looked at her, almost surprised. Almost...shyly? He looked deeply into her eyes, then looked down, slowly turning away. He held her hand steadily though. "I'm sorry (y/n). I just....I need some time to think about things. I'll tell you everything tomorrow." Steve then gave her hand a final squeeze, then let go, his keys ready for his car. And he left. Just like that, without Nancy.

(Y/n) watched as Steve darted past everyone out the door. What happened? She had been gone for like two minutes....right?

Maybe she stood outside watching the creature longer than she thought. She was about to make her way to search for Nancy, but she spotted Jonathan Byers bringing her downstairs, supporting her as they walked. Nancy was clearly drunk. (Y/n) was definitely gone longer than she thought.

Since Jonathan had things under control, all (Y/n) could do was head back home before her government escorts could drop in and check in on her.

She walked through the party, still feeling that horrible feeling in her gut that was telling her that something bad was coming.

She made her way outside and walked down the path, turning left to head back home. It was dark, and (y/n) still had quite the walk back home.

She only made it about ten feet away from the house before Billy showed up next to her. (Y/n) was not in the mood and clearly showed it to Billy. "What do you want?"

"Guess who's been crowned king."

(Y/n) didn't stop walking, and just looked at Billy, very annoyed now.

"Me." Billy smirked. Gosh, she wished she could have gone after Steve. Or even helped Jonathan with Nancy.

"Are you heading home so early? The night's just starting." Billy continued.

"I have a curfew." (Y/n) replied pretty bluntly.

Billy continued walking next to her for about a minute in thought. "Well, it's pretty dark out. And I know this ain't like the sketchy streets that are in abundance in California but, you shouldn't be walking home alone at this time. Let me at least give you a ride."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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