This Is Halloween

Start from the beginning

He took (y/n) to the kitchen, where there were a couple of snacks and drinks. (Y/n) spotted the punch bowl, fog over the bowl for effect. She didn't doubt the bowl was spiked, and confirmed for herself that it was when she served herself a cup and drank it.

Billy was grabbing some popcorn and candy, eating as he stared at the party going on in front of him. There were alot of hot ladies here tonight, but he had another that he wanted to focus on. Billy shifted his eyes back to (y/n), who already helped herself to the punch bowl.

Some time passed as (y/n) kept scanning the party for Steve and Nancy. Maybe they decided not to come after all.

"Hey (y/n). Come on, it's starting to suck in here." Billy said, already heading towards the crowd of dancing bodies.

(Y/n) had no choice but to follow him. They went back outside, where a keg was sitting on the front lawn and a group of boys were preparing to drink from it.

"Billy, I'm going to hang out on the porch if that's okay." (Y/n) said, not really wanting to go to the keg.

Billy shrugged and smirked at her. "Just make sure you watch me. After tonight, I'll be crowned king of Hawkins High."

Billy walked away down to the keg as (y/n) rolled her eyes. She knew Steve was the king of Hawkins High. There was no way Billy could dethrone him.

(Y/n) watched as a couple of boys started to drink from the keg, making it a competition to see who could last longer. Billy laughed at each boy as he waited for his chance.

Finally, Steve and Nancy were walking up. (Y/n) almost jumped to her feet when she saw them.

"(Y/n)! You came! I love the costume." Nancy said.

Steve smirked. "Hey, Rogah Taylah," He said in his best British accent.

(Y/n) shrugged and smiled at Steve. "God knows."

Steve smiled even wider and almost as if on cue, they both started singing "God knows I want to break free!" Then ended the line in a fit of laughter.

Nancy looked at them...

She couldn't help but smile.

Lately, she's been feeling distant from Steve. He was perfect, charming, kind, so it was nothing on his part. She just didn't feel...herself around him anymore.

It gave her comfort that, if anything were to happen, Steve wouldn't be alone. Every now and then, Nancy looked over her shoulder to see if Jonathan was coming. So far, nothing.

"Come on, let's go inside." Steve said, ushering both ladies inside the house.

The three began dancing together, jumping around and getting sweaty. They laughed and joked and had an overall great time.

Until (y/n) felt like something just wasn't right.

"Hey, I'm going to step outside really fast. I feel like I need some fresh air." (Y/n) said, fanning herself.

"Alright, we'll be here. Do you need us to come with you?" Nancy asked.

(Y/n) shook her head. "No, I'll be alright. I'll be back in 5 minutes. Keep the party going."

(Y/n) clearly stepped away from them, quickly walking towards the door as Billy came in and made his way towards Steve and Nancy. (Y/n) was able to dodge him by hiding behind a group of girls swaying over him. She quickly went down the porch steps and walked to the edge of the lawn, feeling a slight shift in the air.

Something really wasn't right. (Y/n) closed her eyes.

She focused. Really hard. She sensed movement. Coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. A certain darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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