Harry thinks about answering him actually. Saying I was just kissing Louis. But that would only offer him another slap and his father pushing him towards the wall.

"You went away with that stupid kid didn't you? You ran away with him to god knows where and god knows to do what." And Harry only wants to tell David everything he did with Louis but he keeps quiet looking at the mad man, with veins coming out of his neck and eyes showing anger.

"We told you not to see him. To stay here but you can't do shit. You don't listen to us and now... He made you become a... a faggot. You stupid kid. You monster." Harry takes a step back he wants to puke all over this awful human being who he once used to call father.

"David!" Sarah speaks loudly and takes a step forward. The man looks back at her and Harry keeps holding himself knowing that a lot will come but at the end it will be over.

"What woman? Shut up now will you? You see what he became? I can't allow this. Do you have better things to say? Do you want to teach him a lesson? You couldn't even raise him properly."

"Oh, and you could David. I'm sure you did raise him well." She replies wryly.

"You gave him birth, your problem." Harry wonders if they know he is still in the room.

They sure do.

"He is your son as well."

"He is not my god damn soon, this thing isn't my son." He points at Harry still looking at Sarah.

And Harry keeps holding himself. Saying think about good things, think about Louis and how he makes you feel just do not cry.

"Well otherwise you I wasn't involved with other people. So I'm sure he is as yours as he is mine." She gets closer to him. "Do you think I'm happy with him? With all of this?" She points around "But he was born and is our son."

"Stop saying that." David shouts and Harry clenches his fists, he is out of breathe. It's always the same. Arguments with him makes them too shout at each other but he is always the one being hurt the most.

"Stop!" And Harry shouts, his eyes shut and his chest going up and down quickly. "If you don't want me then just let me go and stop this because, surprise, I don't want you two as well. I want to get free of you. Why do you even care if I'm here, care about what I do if you don't and never wanted me." He says out loud and well, he never said it before but it was needed anyway. What's the worse it can happen?

"Listen boy," David gets closer to him again and even if Harry keeps giving steps backwards the man follows him till he is pressed with his back against the wall. "You live under my roof, I pay for your shit, you keep annoying me since baby the least you can do is be grateful to us for not abandoning you in the street to death," he says cruelly "did you thank me? You didn't. You disrespect me and now made me see that disgusting scene. What will people think? I'm a respected man here and in my company and you are just thinking about yourself." He doesn't shout this time but is harsh and he spits this words in such way that make it go deep into Harry's wounds. He points his finger at Harry's chest and it's not in the friendliest way.

"I did nothing to you." But he did, he was born, and Harry knows, it shatters him.

"You did. You did and you need to put in that empty head of yours that you do what we tell you to do. We give you a good education but you keep throwing it as if it was nothing. The money we gain goes also for you but you are an ungrateful little shit." He yells but Harry keeps still, listening to those familiar words. It still affects him but everyone would say the otherwise. He tries to block them out but they are too loud.

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